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I'm alive XD

Sorry I havnt updated but i had bo inspiration.

Anywho here is the next chapter

Cinder's POV

I left the classroom of my maths class and was now headed for lunch. I was meeting Iko there but I was still clueless about where anything was. I was paying too much attention to the rooms that I didn't notice this huge guy run into me, knocking me down.

"Oww," I said.

"Oh my god are you okay?" This redhead who was with the huge guy asked me.

"Yeah. I'll be fine," I groan as I get up.

She glares at him for a bit until he finally apologises to me.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking," I tell.

The guy gives me a small smile when I said that. Does he get blamed for a lot of things? I can't help but wonder.

"I'm Scarlet and this is my boyfriend, Ze'ev but you can call him Wolf." She introduces.

"Hi! I'm Cinder," I smile.

"So how come we've never seen you around?" Wolf finally speaks.

His voice was deep and hoarse. It definately suited his nickname.

"First day here," I say trying to hide my face.

"So your family just moved into town?" Scarlet asked.

"Um... no. Not really. My sisters have been going here while I used to work. My life story really isn't that interesting," I nervously say. I just met these guys. Even if they seem really nice and might become the first friends I make in this school, I don't know how much I should tell. I don't want looks of pity.

They nod, understanding. Maybe they too had been through some stuff.

"So, who are your sisters?" Scarlet asks.

"Oh I don't know if you know them. Peony and Pearl?" I say.

"I definately know Pearl," Scarlet spat.

"No offence but she pretty much ruined my sophmore year," she tells me.

"Well she and her mother are very alike. Peony is a sweetheart though," I say.

"Her and her mother?" Wolf questions.

"Is she not your mother too?" He asks.

"Well... yes, technically speaking, but not biologically," that is all I say and they knew not to pry.

"By the way, I'm having my lunch period right now and I was going to meet my bestfriend at the cafeteria but um... where is that?" I again say nervously.

"Oh we're heading there too. Our friend Thorne is meeting us there so we'll take you," Scarlet says and I give both of them a grateful smile.

Once I enter the cafeteria I hear my name being called.

I turn and see Peony run up to me.

"Guys this is my sister Peony," I introduce.

"Hi!" She smiled and gave a small wave.

"You're right! She is a sweetheart," Scarlet says.

"That's nice of you. Hey you're Scarlet right? You seem a lot nicer than what people say," Peony smiles.

"Yeah I have a reputation since freshmen year," she laughs.

Peony had to leave since her Lunch period had ended and ahe was going to be late for class.

I found Iko who was talking to this tall guy who was not bad looking if I had to say.

"Cinder this is Thorne. He and I are in drama class together. It's our special studies programe. Which by the way you need to pick too." Iko said.

"Nice to see you too Iko," I laugh.

"Well excuse me for being excited that you finally go to school with me," she chuckles.

"So Cinder is the friend Iko keeps mentioning. " Wolf says.

I glance at Iko," you talk about me?" I ask.

"Of coarse. You're my bestfriend. But don't worry I didn't say much. I know you like to be private sometimes," she smiles.

So the five of us sat together for lunch amd I learnt a lot.

Thorne has a huge ego and enjoys being like the class clown. He also likes to take stuff that isn't his.. I am referring to my sandwhich which he took from me. But he was still fun to hang with. He took drama, like Iko said, for his special studies.

What I gather is that special studies is a compulsory class which we can choose our modules in. This will help us see what we want to do in our future, according to Iko.

Scarlet wants to be a pilot so she is taking Aeronautical Engineering as her course.

Wolf is more of an athletic guy so he's just training in different things like Mixed martial arts and track and field.

For me, I decided I should take Engineering as well but a more wide scaled version since I am a mechanic.

All in all today was not a bad day
... yet.

After lunch I was alone as everyone had their own classes to get to. I grobbed my books for my English class when all of a sudden Pearl comes in with a bunch of her friends.

"Well well if it isn't the new kid," she smirks.

I keep quiet, tryimg to avoid any conflict which I know will come anyway.

I ignore her and walk the other way.

"Hey! I was talking to you! How rude can this girl be. Has your mother never taught you any manners?" She puts the stress on the word 'mother'.

By now there were a few people surrounding the area, wanting to see drama unfold.

All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice.

"Alright Pearl I have had just about enough with this. You can attack me and I wont care but I will not allow ypu to ruin my friend's first day of school! If you want a fight, I will be more than willing to satisfy that need!" Scarlet came yelling in.

"Oh no! It's the farm girl- waitress. I'm trembling in fear," Pearl says sarcastically.

Then a hear I loud growl and see Wolf behind me. Now everyone was scared.

"Wolf! Stop trying to finish my fights. I am more than capable of taking care of myself," she glares which I could see made Wolf a bit taken aback.

"Sorry hun," she says and kisses his cheek.

"It's fine. It was Pearl and you hate her so it's fine," he says.

"Cinder you okay?" Scarlet asks me.

"Yeah. I guess I need to build some backbone if I am ever going to adjust to highschool," I laugh.

Finally updated this. I swearn I jeed to reread this series because I'm forgetting everything. By the way i should sleep it's like 4.30am... almost and I have to get up in an hour.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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