*20; What Have You Done?

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I woke up with a gasp looking around my surroundings noticing I was still at the abandoned house in pitch black, alone, well not really alone since Elijah was dead, his body held up against the wall by a coat rack.

I stood up looking around listening for any signs of Elena but there was nothing, no heartbeat, not one little sound. Those wankers that I call my brothers actually left me here, they saved Elena but left me here!

Out of anger I grabbed the coat rack out of Elijah's chest throwing it to the other side of the hallway letting out a scream. I was so angry with them, I've tried to make amends with them, helped them keep Elena safe, and this is how they repay me, by leaving me in an abandoned house weak from the vervain I've had pumped into my system over the however long it's been!

I had no clue as to where I was, I was still weak and I had no blood to strengthen myself, I just hope there's some humans close by so I can get my strength back then go back to Mystic Falls and kick those bastards arses.

I stumbled out of the house making my way down the long ass driveway, hoping I'd bump into someone soon, it took me a while but I managed to get some human blood down me, leaving whatever town I was in with a big drop in their population, before I made my way back to Mystic Falls, specifically the boarding house.

I was gonna kick their arses then go to bed for the night and leave in the morning, I wasn't staying here any longer, my brothers could rot in hell for all I cared, they've gone too far now!

As I walked into the boarding house I could hear them both in the library, chatting amongst themselves about god knows what, but I wasn't interested, I grabbed one of the wooden stakes that was laying around the house as I made my way towards the library.

As I leant against the doorframe I threw the stake into Damon's back just below his heart. "Cheers for leaving me on the floor, brothers" They both looked towards me, Damon struggling to get the stake out of his back, but they didn't say anything making me smirk. "Oh, what? You both thought I'd come back all jolly that you saved your precious Elena, but left me there?" I mussed as I walked towards them, Stefan pulling the stake out of Damon's back.

"We don't know what you're ever up to, Lilly, you distance yourself from us, why would we save you when you haven't even tried to be our sister!" Damon snapped making me rush over to him pushing him against the wall.

"Haven't tried?! Are you completely stupid! I tried to stop you from opening the tomb so you didn't get your heart broken by the bitch once again, I helped you with the tomb vampires, I killed Mason, I've helped you both protect Elena because I know you both love her, even if it is sad reliving 1864, I stop myself every single day not to suck the bitch dry, for you 2 because you care for her! I was going to kill Katherine because of what she did to you both, not for me, for you 2! But no more, I'm gonna make you both wish that you had died for good back in 1864!" I shouted tightening my hold around his neck.

"Lilly!" Stefan spoke making me snap my head towards him, letting go of Damon. "Don't you start with your goody crap, you're no better than Damon, finally showing your vampire side, eh Steffie?" I smirked as I took a step towards him. "You've spent all this time trying to hide it for precious Elena, but I wonder what she'd think if the ripper came back" I chuckled as he glared at me.

I turned around looking at them both. "No matter what you both sprout out of your mouths now, it will not change anything, there's no coming back from this. You will regret it" I spoke strongly before walking over to the mini bar pouring myself a drink chuckling to myself, I came here to ruin my brothers lives, but in the end they've ruined me. To them I wasn't their sister, I was just some girl who they despise, I was nobody to them.

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