46; To Family

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that the five Mikaelson's were sat in the room looking at me, worried. The second being that the bedroom door had now been replaced.

"We need to stop breaking those doors" I mumbled as I sat up, before I remembered something. "How did you even get in here? I spelled the door" I asked looking at the five of them.

Nik pulled me over to him, resting my head on his chest. "The spell went down when you passed out. What happened?" He asked me, being protective as always.

I know he was worried, I could see it in his eyes and his posture. He was tense.

"I saw her" I whispered looking into his blue eyes. "Saw who love?" He asked rubbing his thumb across my cheek. "Phoebe"

"Who's Phoebe?" Finn asked, and all the siblings looked at him shocked. I guess it's the fact that he spoke. From what I've heard about him, he doesn't really talk, instead keeping himself to himself. Even when he was human, he was always hanging off of their mothers dress.

Well thats what I was told.

But, I was shocked that nobody explained to him already. Nik, Bekah, Kol and Elijah already knew about her.

"My daughter, from when I was human... She was born September 27th 1858. I was un-married and Seventeen, so my family took her away from me. They hated me for the shame I brought on the family" I snorted shaking my head.

"Ironic, when all I ever heard from them since I was a child, was that I brought nothing but shame onto the family" I flicked my eyes over to Finn, who looked interested, to hear my story.

"My family was part of the founding families so we all had a reputation to uphold, but being a witch made them hate me. Call me the abomination of the family" I stared of at nothing in particular remembering every hurtful thing my parents could ever call me.

"The night I gave birth to Phoebe, it was just me and my mother. She helped me through it, telling me everything was going to be okay" I mumbled as I curled up against Nik, finding comfort as I reminisced the past.

"When I heard the sound of her cries, for the first time in my life, I smiled. A true smile... She made me feel like I was here for a reason and not to get beat on by my family. I got to hold her for a couple of seconds before Damon, Stefan and our father stormed in... Damon and Stefan stood by and watched along with our mother as father ripped her from my arms..." I trailed off.

"So you never saw her again?" Finn asked. "She was sent to live with a married couple who couldn't have their own children. Mr and Mrs Lapson. I gave my mother a necklace to give her and I named her Phoebe Anne Lockwood. But no, I never saw her again"

I stared at the wall remembering the day I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. It was the worst and best day of my life. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but she was taken away from me before I could watch her grow into the beautiful young woman she is now.

"So she carried the werewolf gene? How is she still alive? I thought werewolves needed the doppelgängers blood to complete the transition?" Bekah asked confused.

"She has my blood aswel, so she's a Salvatore witch. We're strong. So I'm guessing she figured something out... but she's not a hybrid" I chuckled.

"What?" Elijah asked confused, I flicked my eyes over the Mikaelson's and everyone looked confused, well everyone apart from Nik, he had a smirk on his face, as he sat on the bed next to me.

He figured it out.

"She's a tribrid" Nik stated in awe, and I couldn't fault him. My daughter was truly amazing. I nodded to let the others know he was right.

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