59; A Break Away

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A/N - Warning! There is a sex scene in this chapter, so read at your own risk. It does let you know when it's coming. Thank you, and don't forget to vote and comment.


As I stepped off of the private plane, a wide smile made its way onto my face. Nik had brought me to Rome.

Rome. One of my favourite places. It was just beautiful.

"Come on love" Nik called making me realize I was stood smiling like an idiot, at the bottom of the steps on the plane.

"What are we doing in Rome, Nik?" I asked him, as I walked behind him. "You'll see. Now come on" He winked at me, making me roll my eyes, just as we came up to a car that had a chauffeur, stood with the door open, waiting for us.

"In you get" Nik smirked at me, as he slapped my arse. Hard.

As we drove to our destination, we sat in comfortable silence, with me cuddled up to Nik, as we watched the scenery go past.

I quickly sat up once I noticed we were in the middle of nowhere. Literally. "I'm not even going to ask" I mumbled shaking my head, making Nik chuckle at me.

The car stopped as we came up to a patch of land. There was nothing around us, just grass.

Once the chauffer opened the door, Nik stepped out before holding his hand out for me, helping me step out.

"So what do you think?" He asked, as we walked towards the front of the car, hand in hand. "About a plot of land?" I asked him raising my eyebrows looking around, confused.

"I've brought the land. But what do you think about having our first true family home here?" He asked making me snap my head towards him. "W-what?" I asked, not sure if I heard him correctly.

"Our first family home" He repeated, smiling at me, placing his hand on my stomach that was still flat, with a tiny little bump.

"I love it" I breathed, as I stared at him. "Good" He smiled down at me, before pressing his lips against mine.

As he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine. "Now all you need to do, is design how you want it all, then I can get my hybrids and some workers to get it all done" He smiled rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

"Why am I so lucky to have a husband like you?" I asked smiling. He always spoiled me.

"Because you're absolutely-" He kissed my nose. "-Astoundingly, gorgeous-" He kissed my cheek. "-I adore you. I love talking to you-" He kissed my other cheek. "-When you smile, or look at me with your beautiful brown eyes, the whole world stops-" He kissed my forehead. "And I love you so much" He pecked my lips.

Once he pulled away he looked down at me, smiling, since I was lost for words. Not knowing what to say I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulling his lips down to mine.

I've heard different compliments off of Nik, but for some reason it made me realize how much he loved me. Now, don't get me wrong, I've never questioned his love for me. But I never realized how much.

It could just be these pregnancy hormones making me emotional.

I loved this man with all my heart, I'd do anything for him, even if that meant I had to kill myself. I'd do it, in a heartbeat. If someone took him away from me, I would hunt them down and kill them!

Pulling away, he rested his forehead against mine. "Come, let's go. You need to rest. Plus you have a house to design" He smiled down at me, before grabbing my hand and pulling me around the car, where the chauffer was stood waiting for us, with the door open.

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