Chapter 5

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As I went through the files that Bob had asked me to go through. My initial panic slowly gave way to relief. He had placed everything in perfect order and had planned everything. Bob seemed to have discussed the quotations earlier with the finance executives of Mr. Castle’s company- The Castle Enterprise and they seemed to be fine with it except for a few minute changes, Bob had overseen those changes effectively. All I had to do was to show Mr. Castle the files Bob had prepared and bring the changes made to his notice.

Bob had also prepared presentation slides in case Mr. Castle wanted to discuss his decisions with his board members. Bob’s foresight amazed me but I hoped it wouldn’t come to that. I was not looking forward to address a room full of skeptical guys and explain the proposals Bob had drawn up for their company. It was a pretty simple decision and I was pretty sure Mr. Castle was the one who would make the decision. Mr. Castle’s company was a multimillion dollar company with many products. Their most popular product was some anti spyware; and intriguingly the American army seemed to be their most valued customer.

However the decision he had to take tomorrow was if he was satisfied with our company’s proposal of renting high end limousines to his company. So that his company’s overseas clients could use the limos when they travelled. There were also several other proposals of such sort, like arranging for a private jet, providing their clients the cars they wished to buy or rent during their stay. To my surprise, Bob had even included hotel arrangements during their stay. I thought that we dealt only with automobiles and I didn’t know Bob was planning on expanding.

It was evident that Mr. Castle wanted his clients to be satisfied and our company had to oversee it. It was all simple until I saw a post it on the calendar on Bob’s table. It fluttered as if it was caught in the wind. I used the fingers of my left hand to grip it and tugged at it lightly.

And the note had ‘Carmen I promised Mr. Castle a demo’ written in Bob’s unsteady hand.

Demo? What kind of a demo? I racked my brain for answers. Surely Bob was not expecting me to show Mr. Castle how comfortable limousines are. If he wanted me to do that, I planned to take Mr. Castle to the showroom and ask some sales executive to do the explaining. I had no idea about limousines than I had about flying saucers and I thought it was better to delegate the demonstration part.

When I had finally finished reviewing what I was going to say for the third time. I put back the files in the file cabinet as Bob had placed them and walked out the door.

I noticed that Bob’s assistant Wendy’s chair was unoccupied and a thin layer of dust was gathering on her desk as she was on her maternity leave. Bob was unable to find a replacement for Wendy’s position even if it was temporary as there were only a few people who could stand up to Bob’s unfair, high standards.

I was planning on walking over to Mel’s office but found her just around the corner. She was smiling from ear to ear and looked too happy for her own good.

“What did you do this time?” I asked trying to add weariness to my voice but it came out sounding curious.

“Trust me when I say, you don’t want to know” she replied devilishly.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this” I said shaking my head, now feeling weary for real.

“Come one Car, let’s lunch in good old Bob’s office today” she said sounding overly enthusiastic as she grabbed me by the elbow and led me back to Bob’s office.

“I thought we were going to Mrs. Smith’s diner” I said.

“But I made us turkey sandwiches” she said pointing to the lunch box in her hand.

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