Curtain Call

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Hey! So what's a show without a curtain call? :P I would love to send aout a huge thank you to:

@karissssta - she always beat my butt in to shape and got me writing. But also helped me with encouragement and jsut making me laugh and chat. Thanks a bunch!

@MrsProcrastination - She's always read and talked to me. I really had good feedback from her and her comments were always cute (^w^)

@The_Support_group - I know many of you I haven't spoken to but I have seen your prescence :D

@all the fans and readers of Breaking Apathy - I am in debt to your grace. It is an honor to even receive a smidgeon of your time. Thank you so much for being a boost in this life of mine. I started with no esteem but now I can conquer my fear and write better stories because of you. If you think you made no difference to this world, trust me you have. One person at a time.

@My family (BF included) - Though none of them will ever read this book, it was from them that I drew inspiration and determination. Kudos to them :P

and finally, thanks to me. Yes, it's awkward to thank myself but I under appreciate myself. So I thank me for going through this. It was hard :)

Hope to still have everyone around :D Thank you thank you!!!!! <(^~^)>

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