f i f t e e n: Under The Stars

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The week past by and I almost cried in happiness when I took the last of my midterms. Tomorrow was Stephanie's appointment and her nerves steadily increased as each day went by. We both knew something was wrong but no one said anything. Her abdominal pains were getting worse and no amount of rest made it better.

Shuffling through my playlist, I heard the faint sound of an object hitting my window. I turned around and sure enough, a pebble hit my window before it fell down into the floor. My eyes scrunched in confusion and I walked towards the ledge to see Lucy picking up more pebbles off the ground.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted out to her.

Lucy looked up and grinned when she saw me. "I'm reenacting the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. I'm supposed to be Romeo."

She coughed before saying in deep gruff voice, "It is the east and Juliet is the sun. You're Juliet by the way."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness and said, "What's the point of all of this? I'm not into girls if that's what you're wondering."

She chuckled and shook her head. We often had a running gag between us. Lucy often liked to pretend she's into girls and by now, I wouldn't be surprised she came out.

"I want to celebrate me passing my english midterms."

"The results are out?" I said in alarm.

"No. I already know I got at least a 90 though." She began to dance in excitement and I huffed in annoyance. I left the ledge and went downstairs to open the door for her. Stephanie was still in the same position on the couch as she's been for the past week and it's getting annoying because her stupid legs won't let me sit down.

Once she entered and made herself at home I asked, "So what do you want to do?"

"How about we go to the mall?" Immediately I shook my head no. There was no way I was going out shopping when I could be in my bed listening to music.

"What other plans do you have then?" Lucy rebutted.

"I don't know. This was your idea."

She was quiet for a few moments, thinking another place to go, before a lightbulb appeared on her head. "Why don't we go to that new froyo place?"

"In December?"

"Stop rebutting all my ideas. It's annoying."

I sighed before finally agreeing. If I said no, she would only say worse ideas and we would be here all day. Not that I minded, I actually liked being at home.

"Okay, I'm just going to bed my phone from upstairs."

It was then that Lucy noticed that Stephanie was on the couch. Stephanie was on her phone, texting someone but I knew that she was secretly listening to our conversation.

"Hey Steph. Want to come with us?" Right about then I wanted to smack Lucy upside the head. Stephanie coming was only going to make this more awkward. All of us haven't been in the same room together since the fifth grade.

Stephanie looked up and debated whether to say no or not. She glanced at me then at Lucy again. That's when I realized that this would possibly be a good way to keep Stephanie's mind off her appointment. I knew that this was going to bite me in the ass later but I went along with it.

"You should go. They probably have your favorite flavor there."

Taking that as another silent invitation, Stephanie nodded and started to stand up. "Okay, let me get dressed first." Stephanie went up stairs and disappeared.

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