°chapter 12°

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We got up from the table as I took Lucy's hands in mine. "Lucy sweetie can you please get our guns from the cabinet?"

She hesitantly nodded as she ran to the gun cabinet, retrieving our weapons.

I took mine carefully as Paul walked back in.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked with a maniacal smile plastered on his face.

"Yes we are." I said as I pulled Troy with me.

He pulled a gun out from under the table and said, "but my daughter is hungry."

Lucy looked at him with confusion.  We backed away towards the door.

Feed her some chicken soup. I thought.

I didn't want to kill Paul in front of Lucy but he would have killed us anyway. Troy looked at me as I put my body in front of Lucy shielding her so she couldn't see what was happening. Troy released a bullet from the handgun, causing Paul to fly back.

Lucy started to cry.

We knew that somebody would be attracted to the sound, whether it were the zombies, or people.

"We can't leave her" I said as Troy pulled Lucy's sobbing body up onto his back.

I grab our bags off of the floor as I shove food and water that I found in the pantry, into my bag.

I look over at the table, the rest of Lucy's medication sat there. I picked it up, shoving into my bag.

"Hurry Maya, I can hear cars coming." Troy says as he gets low.

We run to the back door, slipping into the woods. The rain had stopped and all that was left was just the humid air and cold droplets falling off of the leaves.

We continue through the forest, Lucy's sobs turned into small sour cries.

We stopped as soon as we found another highway. We found a black military hummer with a large scrape on the side.

I take a blanket out of my bag, and I lay it across the seats we had pushed down. 

Lucy sucked her thumb as we lay her down to sleep.
I hope her cold gets better.

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