Chapter 7: P.O.V. Daniel

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I don’t have any idea as to why I went after Vizo when he hit on Sami. I mean, I don’t know what came over me. I felt as though Sami should belong to me and a huge surge of protectiveness came over me. I felt like I would murder him just to do it. And when Sami hugged Kyle, I got so angry, my vision started to turn into red spots and I couldn’t get over the fact that Sami was hugging HIM and not me… although, I think it escalated a bit too much… before I knew it, I was waving around a screw driver and Kyle was waving a wrench. But Kyle took that as an opening and tackled me and tried to murder me with the wrench he was holding. It took Quinn, Sami and Vizo to pry Kyle off of me and by that point Kyle was back to normal and looked very embarrassed. Not that I wasn’t… it’s just that I guess he saw me and got angry and like me, before you know it, you’re trying to kill somebody with a wrench while sitting on top of them being pulled on by three different people.

I had no idea what was up with me. As soon as Kyle was pried off of me, I bolted away from the group and ran outside to cool my head. I sat down on the cobble stone curb and looked up at the night sky filled with stars. I sighed and looked at all the constellations that cover the sky. My eyes wandered aimlessly while my mind whirled.

Did I like Sami? It seemed impossible… we only met a little bit ago… but is it possible to like someone so soon? And yet when I closed my eyes her smiling face was the first thing I saw. When I thought of her, she made me smile… and I was ready to murder Vizo just for hitting on her. I guess I did like her…

I froze as I thought that. I liked Sami… the girl that when I first met her, she tackled me to the ground and I wanted to hit her with my baseball bat… and yet… I liked her. I closed my eyes and thought back to the night on the balcony… when we were talking and she mentioned how she and Kyle used to be together… and how she leaned on my shoulder… and how she mentioned that she felt drawn towards me… like I was a Guardian Angel.

I heard footsteps come out of the factory, light as snow. Either it was Sami or Henry, but I couldn’t imagine what Henry would want to do with me, or if he would even be out of his fetal position yet. I didn’t get up and instead lay down on the ground with my hands behind my head. Sami walked next to me and laid down beside me and put her head on my arms. I tensed a little before relaxing. She gazed up at the stars as well.

“What happened in there?” I was silent for a moment, debating on whether or not to tell the truth, but then decided that if she was ever gonna like me, I’d have a better chance if I was honest.

“I don’t know…” She turned her head slightly to look at me.

“You don’t?” I nodded and she smiled. “Ok… at least you are trying to be honest…” I turned to look at her now and stared at her.

“How do you know that?” She shrugged at looked back up at the stars.

“I just do…” I smirk softly.

“Guardian Angel thing?” She laughed quietly.

“I guess you could call it that…” An uncomfortable silence filled the air between us and we shifted awkwardly. “Daniel?” Sami’s voice suddenly very soft, almost to a whisper. I smiled inwardly.

“Yes?” She was silent for a moment before responding.

“Do you… you know… like me?” I was silent for a couple seconds before deciding to do something either really funny or extremely stupid.

“Of course I like you Sami… now Kyle… he’s another matter. I hate him. But what are you talking about?” I tried to put the most innocent face on, and Sami flushed a bright red and elbowed me in the ribs.

“You know what I mean.” I smiled at her.

“Ya, I do… you’re awesome Sami… and I do like you… no matter what.” I take a deep breath and waited for her response.

“Really?” Her voice was hesitant and I had to smile at that.

“Really,” I heard her exhale and she wrapped her hands around my middle and scooted closer and stared up at the stars with me. I looked up at the sky and smiled. Suddenly Sami started pointing excitedly at the sky and I squinted to see a shooting star streaking across the sky. I smiled at it and decided to wish for something.

I wish, I thought to myself, that Sami and I will always be together.

But as the night continued to pass, Sami dozed off in my arms, I looked back at the factory, and saw Kyle’s heartbroken face staring out of a window looking at us, and I turned away from the window and looked back at the sky and saw the sun’s exploding colors breaking over the horizon.

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