Chapter 8: P.O.V. Anne

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As I sat on one of the branches waiting for something to happen, I pulled out a knife and sawed off a chunk of the branch and started to carve the forest line with the sun coming up behind the trees. I don’t know how long I was sitting there, blending in with the trees, but eventually I heard chatter and laughter close by. I looked down from the tree and saw two Guardian Angels, one a boy and another a girl with her arm around another boy with sandy blond hair. Another sandy haired boy was behind the Angels next to another boy with straight dark brown hair, and they were laughing. But there was a tall boy with tan skin and blond hair sulking in the back glaring at the sandy haired boy with the girl. I looked at them with interest. They had been the first people I had seen since I escaped the city and ran to the forest. It had been hard to hide since I have dark red hair, but I managed since I wear green clothes.

I hadn’t really been paying attention to what I was doing, because next thing I knew the branch I was sitting on started to break from where I had cut out the large chunk from it. I quickly got up but it snapped as soon as I stood up. I fell out of the tall tree and while in the air I clammed up and did somersaults in the air and right before I hit the ground I spread out. Unfortunately, I did it wrong because I landed on my ankle and it broke. I collapsed and the group came running towards me. The girl ran up to me and beckoned for the boy she was with to help her. He lifted up my head and placed it on his arm and he held me up. I looked at the girl who was looking at my ankle. She gingerly poked it and black spots appeared in my vision. I cried out and she looked at me.

“It’s broken, but I can heal it.” I tried to focus on her through the black spots.

“Really?” The girl smiled.

“I’ll do it right now.” She bent down to lack at it and held out her hand and took a knife from her back pocket and held it out over her finger tips and cut one. She placed it on my ankle and sear pain went through when she touched it, but it almost immediately started to feel better. Soon, my ankle was mended. She lifted her finger and blew on it and the cut healed up, leaving the tiniest of scars on her pale skin. My eyes wandered around and then fell on the boy holding me up. His green eyes were studying me and his blond hair fell over his face. He smiled lazily as I sank back into his lap and passed out.

When I woke up I was still in the boy’s lap, but her was talking to the girl, and it was night now.

“Sami, area we ever going to escape him? I mean, it’s just one place after another.”

“Daniel, we can’t let him get Kyle! And you know that. This is just a game to Tristan! I know him, and this is all fun and games!”

“Then why don’t we stay and fight him for once?” Sami shook her head.

“That is a terrible idea, if we stop, HENRY and I will have to protect you, and Henry is too scared to fly! And he will target you guys and try to make you an archangel! Do you want that?” Sami said angrily now, looking at Daniel who looked down at my face, and I quickly snapped my eyes closed, but I was too late. He gasped.

“She’s awake!” Daniel said, and Sami scooted towards me with interest.

“Are you sure?” I could practically imagine Daniel rolling his eyes.

“No, because people just pass out with their eyes open Sami.”

“Oh shut up! Excuse me, random tree girl? You awake?” Daniel snickered and I opened my eyes to look up at them. Sami gasped and Daniel’s eyes widened.

“Your eyes…” I frowned.

“What’s wrong with my eyes?”

“THE’RE SO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!” I rolled my eyes.

“Gee, and here I thought that something was wrong with them.” I sat up from Daniel’s lap and nearly fainted again when I put weight on my ankle. I groaned and Daniel caught me again. Sami’s face closed up into a bitter expression, and I quickly got up and away from Daniel. Sami looked at me with the bitter face, and then changed her face when I got off of him.  She smiled at me and I nervously smiled back and Daniel just looked between us. He studied me and then reached out a hand and pulled at my hair. I frowned and smacked at his hand.

“Whatever are you doing?” Sami’s eyes narrowed at me and Daniel just smirked.

“You have leaves in your hair…” My cheeks burned as bright a red as my hair and I quickly reached up and tugged at the twigs and leaves in my hair and pulled out a hair tie and twisted my curls up into a bun. I weakly tried to stand up and Sami got up and helped me. I put a bit of pressure on my ankle and found that I could, it just hurt a lot. I glared down at my ankle.

“You just had to break didn’t you?” Sami snickered and Daniel held back a laugh. I removed my glare up from my ankle and turned it to them. Their laughs ended and they looked at me. I was broken from my glare and heard laughter from behind me. I gave them one last glare before turning around to look behind me. A boy with curly brown hair and hazel eyes was laughing along with a boy that looked exactly like Daniel. I whipped my head around to see Daniel with his arm over Sami’s shoulder. She had made her wings disappear and she just had the halo and outfit left. Daniel was looking at her with a smirk as she tried to get rid of the halo and mess up her hair, which went back to perfection. She glared up at her head while Daniel laughed at her. I turned back around to look at the other boy who was with the secondary Daniel. I frowned at him and the curly haired boy snickered when he saw me and strode towards me and held out his hand and smirked smugly.

I looked at his hand and he let it fall, but his smile didn’t.

“Don’t feel like accepting help from handsome and amazing strangers? I can relate… happens to me all the time.” The boy that looked like Daniel snickered and the curly haired boy frowned and turned his head slightly to the other boy.

“Shut up Quinn.” Quinn snickered and retorted back to the boy.

“I’d like to see you try Vizo.” Vizo frowned even more and then turned back to me and smiled brilliantly.

“Are you going to sleep down there or getting up?” Vizo held out his hand impatiently and Quinn strode over and slapped his hand away and grabbed my hand and helped me up with one hand, his slightly tan skin cool against mine. I flushed when I got up and we were a few inches away when I quickly took a step back. Vizo smirked at us and the other boy I had seen sulking at the back of the group appeared from the forest.

“Oh, she’s awake?” His blue eyes studied me and narrowed slightly, but then Sami came out and looked between the two of us. She laughed and she walked forward.

“This is Kyle; he’s one of our bunch.” Sami gestured to Kyle whose narrowed eyes narrowed further until to the point I couldn’t tell if his eyes were closed. “Oh lay off her Kyle. And you are…?” She trailed off, looking at me expectantly. There was an uncomfortable silence, but it was not me who broke it but Vizo.

“Well don’t leave us hanging Sami, who is she?” We laughed and I finished the sentence.

“My name is Anne, and I have lived in the forest since the beginning of the Angels.

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