Chapter 30

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Art and I reach the cemetery and park the car. "It's closed." Art says looking over at me. I unbuckle my seatbelt with a smile.

"Gonna jump the fence." He smiles at me.

"I never thought you'd be the one wanting to cause trouble." I shrug and he laughs. "Well, the longer we wait, the more likely we are to get caught. So let's get going." Art unbuckled his seatbelt and we step out of the car. We walk over to the gate. Art hops over with no problem and I take a few seconds to actually make it to the top of the gate. I carefully slide down on the other side and Art laughs. "We need to work on your gate hoping skills."

"Well I'm sorry for not being a trouble maker." He chuckles and I start walking to my dads grave plot. Art follows behind me silently. "I never really got to see the final resting place of my dad. After the funeral I left because I couldn't handle seeing people bury my dad." Art stays silent but I can hear him following me still. I stop by a huge tree and sit down against it. The stone in front of me was my dad's... His final spot is under the tree. Art sits down beside me and looks at the stone. We sit in silence and stare at the tombstone with my dads name on it.

I exhale loudly and Art looks over at me. "You're crying." I blink and I feel the tears falling down my cheeks. I didn't even realize I was crying. I wipe them and Art pulls me into a hug. I close my eyes and relax, then I feel Art press his lips to my forehead. I open my eyes and smile lightly. This is the first time since the incident in New Mexico that he's held me like this or showed any sort of affection towards me.

"Thank you for bringing me here Art."

"I'm sure he would have wanted you to come and see him. I bet he's proud of you graduating." Art pulls away. "So what are your future plans?" I exhale slowly and look at my dad's tombstone.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"I asked you first." I laugh and I see Art smile. Art was about to say something when I see a flashlight in the distance.

"Security is coming." Art looks over and stands up.

"Come on, hurry." He grabs my wrist and pulls me with him to the opposite end of the cemetery.

"Art, the gate is over on the other side."

"We're not going over a gate, we're jumping a wall." I chuckle lightly.

"I can barely jump a fence."

"Don't worry about it." We reach the wall and Art kneels down. "Get on my shoulders and hop on the top and slide down. It'll hurt the soles of your feet but don't worry it's temporary."

"How will you get over?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I don't like that answer."

"Just go Opal, before the guard comes." I swallow hard and get on Art's shoulders. He stands up and pushes me to get me on top of the wall. I jump down and, as he said, I felt pins and needles in my feet and it hurt like hell.  I collapse and sit down on the ground. I hear a grunt and I see Art pulling himself over the wall. I stand up as I watch him flip around and land on the ground beside me.

"How did you do that?"

"No time to talk, let's get out of here." He grabs my hand and we start running to the car. We get in and drive back to the hotel. "That was close." Art finally says as we're half way back to the hotel. I can't help but smile.

"How did you climb that wall?"

"Running start." I laugh and look out the window. "Thanks for taking me to see your dad Opal. It means a lot to me." I smile wider.

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