Chapter 16

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I wake up slowly and open my eyes to see I'm back in my old room at my moms house. I look down and see an arm wrapped around me. It wasn't a dream, thank god. I sit up slightly and Art's arm falls into my lap and I giggle. He's a heavy sleeper.

"Art." I shake his arm a bit. "Art." I say slightly louder this time shaking his shoulder. "Art." I lay back down beside him our noses touching. He opens his eyes and laughs.

"What the hell you weirdo." I can't help but laugh as he pulls away.

"I was trying to wake you up."

"And 'Art get your ass up' wasn't one way of waking me up? You just wanted to get weird with it." I can't help but laugh.

"Yeah. That's true." He chuckles and moves my hair out of my face.

"I like your hair long." I bite my lip and sit up.

"And you need to brush your teeth."

"Way to ruin a moment." He says sitting up reluctantly. I laugh and hug him.

"Sorry." I pull away, my smile suddenly falling. "Jude Ya know... I don't-"

"No I get it." He smiles quickly and stands up. "I should get going anyway. School."

"You can stay here with me for today if you want."

"I'm not sure your boyfriend will appreciate you and I missing from school."

"Odds are he's too hung over anyway."

"Sorry Opal." He leans forward, his hands on the bed and his face in front of mine, "Out of all of the terrible things you've become, I refuse to let cheater be on that list." He sighs and pulls away.

"Art." He looks at me as he slides on his shoes. I couldn't speak. I wanna tell him something but I can't seem to get it out let alone think about what I wanna say. "I-"

"Opal, I'm leaving for work! Dad pancakes are in the microwave for you!" I hear the door slam and I look back at Art.

"At least stay for breakfast." He smiles and shakes his head.

"I wish I could. Like I said. Emotional cheating is a thing." He smiles and slides half his body out of the window. "Try to make it to practice today will Ya?" He starts to go down but stops, "Oh, and in case you're not up for it today, I put my number in your phone so you can text me saying no practice today."

"Thanks Art."

"Sure thing weirdo." He hops from the window when I realize something. I run to my window and yell to him.

"When did you put your number in my phone?!" Art laughs and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"I may have woken up ten minutes before you!" I can't help but laugh.

"You're a dork!"

"Whatever weirdo!" I laugh as he walks away. I bite my lip and walk downstairs to eat my pancakes. As soon as I see them I smile. Dad's pancakes. They're regular pancakes but they're in the shape of a sad face on top and a happy face on bottom. A way of saying before you eat the pancakes your day is terrible, but after you eat them you're happy. Only difference today is that they were made by mom... And I wasn't starting today off terrible.


I decided to show up to school at lunch, the only people at the table were Peter and Asia. "Hey, where is everyone?" Asia and Peter look at each other.

"Where were you last night?" Asia asks slowly.

"I was at my mom's house. Why?" Peter and Asia look at each other and back at me. "What?"

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