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It's been 2 years since Art and I moved from New Mexico. We've been living life as anyone should be. Completely at peace and the feeling of home.

Art and I haven't had much communication with Asia, Peter, Frankie or Jude. Art talks to Oliver a bit but not much more than the guys. We've both been busy with a lot of things. We both got accepted into the same college, Art participates in baseball and he works at the auto shop about 20 minutes from home. I have been keeping myself busy by working at the museum as a guide. Art and I still dance. Not as much anymore... Since it's pretty hard to hold a pregnant woman.

During our second year of college Art and I had a slip up and we ended up having a baby. When I started having symptoms, Art bought the pregnancy test and of course, I took it. When I told Art I was in fact pregnant, he was beyond happy. So, for the time being, instead of dancing, my hobby is painting. At the museum I work at, one of my works is hung. It's an amazing feeling to see my work being showcased.

Today, I am 5 months pregnant and it's Art's last game of the season. Like the good girlfriend I am, I came dressed in full attire as support.

It's the bottom of the 9th and Art's team is down by 2 but the bases are loaded. Art is at bat now. "Come on Art." The pitcher throws and he gets a strike. "Let's go Art!" I yell and people follow along. The pitcher throws again and this time Art hits it, it's in the outfield. "Go Art!" I yell as he starts running. Someone crossed home so we're down by one. Art reaches second base and now the game is tied. The ball is thrown to home but is thrown too high. The third guy rushes past home and the team goes nuts. The catcher gets the ball and runs to the base to tag Art out. Art slides and my heart stops. The stands are silent and soon we see this sign... Art made it. Art not only evened out the score, got us the winning point but managed to get an extra point so we're two points in the lead!

"Good job Art!" The crowd goes nuts and the team is celebrating. I was about to walk out to wait for Art where it isn't crowded when I hear my name on the loudspeakers.

"Opal!" I turn to look at Art standing on the pitchers mount, breathing heavy and smiling. "I know this isn't the most attractive sight but bear with me." He catches his breath and stands up straight. "Opal, I love you. You've supported me through everything. Since the day we met, I knew you were something special. I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. I didn't know what attracted me to you but I'm sure as hell happy it did because without you, I don't know where I'd be, literally. I didn't have a future set out for myself, but you made me think about that. You made me a better person and I cannot thank you enough. But maybe this will help me a bit. Opal, marry me." I smile and I feel tears running down my face. I feel a tap on my shoulder and one of Art's friends gives me a mic.

"Are you demanding it?" Everyone laughs including Art.

"Well, let's be real, you're going to say yes anyway. That was a promise you made me about 2 years ago." I smile and nod.

"And I'm sticking to that promise. Yes, I'd love to marry you." Everyone cheers and Art hands the mic to the coach and runs to the gate. I make my way to the gate and meet Art. When I'm within arms length he pulls me into a kiss and everyone cheers.

"I love you Opal." He says as he wipes my tears away.

"I love you too Art." Art is handed a black box by his friend and before he leaves he gives me a side hug.

"Congratulations you two."

"Thanks man. And thanks for helping out." Art says with a smile as he gives him a bro-hug. When he leaves, Art opens the box and takes out the ring. "May I?" I hold out my hand and Art slides the ring onto my finger. Just then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Oh my god. Art." I grab his hand and push his hands against my stomach. I cry even hard and look at him. "Our baby is kicking." Art smiles and kisses me again. I'm having a baby and I'm getting married to Art. So far, life is great.


"Here's our babies." Art says with a smile as he hold the twins. "Do you want Ava or Lucas?" I smile.

"I wanna hold baby Lucas." I hold my baby boy with a smile and I look over at Art. The ring on his finger and the ring on mine, as well as our babies, means I finally got what I wanted... A family that my dad would be proud of.

I have an amazing husband, two beautiful babies, nearing the end of college to get my basics done and move on to get my major. Teaching... And once Art and I accomplish that, we'll move back to New Mexico. Going to the start of this adventure and hopefully, way on the future, end it there too.

"Hey kids." I sit up straight and smile.

"Mr. B? What are you doing here?" Mr. B laughs.

"Art invited me. He said he wanted me to see this."

"And this as well." Art adds in and holds up his left hand. Mr. B's eyes grow wide.

"And you're married?! Why didn't you invite me to the wedding?" I laugh and Art smiles.

"It was a last minute thing. We didn't want to invite everyone from New Mexico and have them end up in debt."

"Ah, touché." Mr. B walks over to me with a smile.

"You wanna hold him?" I ask and Mr. B never looked happier. I handed Lucas to Mr. B. "I have a question Mr. B."


"Would you and your wife want to be the twins Godparents?" Mr. B looks like he's about to cry.

"Yes, we'd love to. She's not here but I'm sure she'd agree with me." We all laugh and I look out the window while Mr. B and Art talk.

This is it. This is my family. My future.

I smile and look back at Art smiling down at our little girl...

My everything.

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