Bad third dates and a lustful stranger

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Chapter 01:

AUTHORS NOTE: WROTE THIS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL LOL I MIGHT COME BAXK AND DEVELOP IT BUT READ THESE CHAPTERS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!! ACTUALLY, the first couple are straight up bleh, the last couple are better since I came back like a year later. But who knows what I'll do with this.

I walked into the coffee shop, exhausted from my workout. School had just let out, and senior year was coming up after this summer is over.

As I was pondering about what senior year was going to be like and what this summer was going to be like, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I walked and hit something very hard. I then realized that it was a man's chest, and my face turned very red in embarrassment.

"I am so so sorry-" I started, looking up at the man's face. I cut myself off when I got a good look at him and my breath hitched in my throat, my heart sputtering.

He was absolutely delicious. Another blush warmed my face at how I had subconsciously described a handsome man as "delicious."

He had beautiful brown eyes that shined down on me, that were masked with sultry dark eyelashes. His creamy caramel liquid color eyes searched mine. He had a light five o'clock shadow and full pink lips that taunted me with their fullness.

My gaze dropped to his shoulders, and it was obvious that he worked out. They filled out his t-shirt, so the thin blue fabric hugged his body. The shirt was so thin I could almost see the abs I was dying to get a personal look at.

"It's okay." His deep voice broke my wandering eyes from further inspection of his body and snapped up to his face.

He had a smirk on his face that made him even more attractive, making me accurately aware that I knew he caught me checking him out. My blush warmed my face again.

"You're cute when you blush." He whispered, his smirk turning into a grin. I didn't know what to say, so I just stared at him like an idiot.

"Can I get your number?" I finally blurted out. Did I really just ask him that? He had to be about twenty six, and I was seventeen! All though, I didn't exactly look seventeen. I was developed nicely, and I looked very mature for my age if I do say so myself.

He surprised me by pulling a pen out of his denim jean pocket and grabbing two napkins off the nearby table where they held the sugar and napkins for costumers. He scribbled his number on the white napkin and pressed it into my palm along with his pen. He then scooted the other napkin towards me.

"Your turn." He said, his eyes taking a playful glance down the length of my body. I turned my face away from his as I wrote down my number to hide my blush.

"There you go." I handed him back the pen and napkin and he smiled.

"See you around." His velvet voice whispered, and with that he walked out of the coffee shop. I stared after his figure that was disappearing by the second, with my mouth slightly hanging open.

What had gotten into me? I shook my head to myself and walked up to the counter to order my green tea.

After getting my green tea I headed back to the town home that me and my mom shared.

My dad had never really been in my life, he left when I was about five. I only had few memories of him, my favorite being of when he taught me how to swim. My phone began to buzz, which thankfully pulled me away from my thoughts about my father.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and after discovering who it was I swiped the screen and pressed the cold metal to my ear.

"Hi Noah." I answered. Me and Noah had gone on two dates in the past, and honestly I didn't know how I felt about him.

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