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AUTHOR NOTE: Filler chapter, very brief, 1,306 words. They'll get longer!  Exposes the feelings coming into play.  thank you.

PLEASE READ: I just changed my stories bio, and I like it SO much better than my original. Tell me what you think about the new bio in my newest chapter. please read it! Feed back about my story can be said at: http://ask.fm/madisonstories

Litterally JUST created the ask.

Chapter 10:

I told my mom about the job and to say the least she was upset. She told me it was embarrassing but I refused to quit.

We needed this.

She told me she wanted to be alone so I told her I'd go over Stephanie's for a couple days. She only whispered sorry and shut the door to her room.

I don't know why, but I don't feel guilty. I wanted to do this for my mom.

And by Stephanie's I really meant Beau's.


I was laughing so hard that I was crying, as I sat criss crossed across from him, clapping my hands like a retarded seal.

As my laughter died with a final giggle I realized his stare.


"You're just beautiful." This caused me to laugh again.

"Arielle, I'm serious."

"Hmm." I hummed and moved forward on the bed so I could rest my head on his chest. I had been here for three days, and I dreaded my leaving.

"I lied to you." He suddenly rushed out. I looked up at him with confusion, raising a plucked eyebrow. "I'm not a teacher. I just wanted to seem smart, impress you. You seemed so selfless. You're just smart and selfless.." He trailed off, his face a cute embarrassed pink.

"Shhh." I giggled. "It's fine, it's actually kind of cute." I pressed my lips softly to his, and he breathed a breath of relief.

Guilt ate away at me. I mean, I wasn't exactly being truthful to him either. My lie made our relationship illegal.

He's going to find out sometime..

Shut up,I quickly told myself.

I don't know what to do. And the longer I wait, the worse it gets.

"I'll be back, bathroom." His voice pulled me away from my guilty thoughts. He pressed his lips to my head and got up.

I sighed and leaned back.

Leaning against his headboard I realized he left his phone on the nightstand. Nervously biting my lip, I hastily picked it up, casting a guilty look around the room.

Why am I even doing this? I opened up his messages, clicking the first girls name that I saw.

Jeanette. Probably a slut, the childish voice in my head chimed.

J: Thanks for Saturday. You made me forget about everything.

B: I bet I did, I always do. Always here.

The sound of water running made me recoil from the phone, my shaking hands putting it back on the dresser. I couldn't read the rest.

Saturday? As in the day right after I gave myself to Beau? My face reddened. It was Tuesday now. I knew he had girls, but I thought...thought he'd change for me.

I scoffed at myself. I was so naive.

He entered the bedroom, smiling, causing me to shake with anger even more.

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