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Chapter 02:

As I felt his hardening member against my thigh I realized this was going to go somewhere I wasn't ready for it to go.

I put my hand against his firm chest and shoved, our lips disconnected in this process, which was what I was going for.

We were both gasping for air, our breaths ragged and shallow as we silently stared into each others eyes. His creamy brown eyes searched mine and they were filled with the obvious question. He finally asked the question his eyes bluntly showed.

"Why'd you stop, baby doll?" I waited several seconds before answering him, still thrown off by how he always calls me baby doll.

"I'm not in the business of sleeping with strangers." I crossed my arms over my chest as he considered what I had said. Was he really just an asshole? Was he THAT guy?

"I wasn't trying to take advantage of you, baby doll." I was nervously and accurately aware of his proximity as I felt his warm and sickeningly sweet breath against my face.

He ran his hands through his perfect deep brown almost black russet hair and sighed. "You probably think I'm a jerk. I'm sorry Arielle, I'm really not like that. You're just too damn pretty." He said the last part in a whisper that caused tingles to rise through me.

I liked it better when he called me baby doll.

"Beau." I whispered, I looked up at him through my thick eye lashes. He looked back at me, signaling for me to continue. "After tonight, will I ever see you again?" I finally asked the question I was dying to know the answer to. He leaned forward and put his warm lips to my ear, which caused chills to race down my back.

"Maybe." He whispered softly and pulled back. He had a wide Cheshire Cat grin on his face, and with that he lifted himself off the bed and was out of the room.



After five minutes of staring at the door which beau had exited through and feeling utterly dumbfounded at a human being so arrogant and frustrating and sexy; I had decided to follow him.

I found him in the kitchen and as I watched him cook eggs I remembered how hungry I had been before my date with Noah.

The whole Noah incident had ruined my appetite, but the smell that Beau was creating in his kitchen woke up my stomach and it grumbled.

He was whistling softly as he pushed around the eggs, swaying from side to side. I could see just how muscular his back was, which was always a turn on.

It was then that I realized not just how handsome or sexy he was, but also how adorable he was. Of course I had noticed but now I was putting the pieces together.

The breast cancer sticker on his car, the CD cases that littered the dresser in his bed room. When I had sat there for five minutes, I realized the two huge bookshelves.

Who would of known the bastard loved to read?

The way he has pictures of his mom and him hanging on the wall of his apartment, and the way he smiles so effortlessly. For gods sake, he whistles tunes to himself while cooking.

He was perfect in every sense of the word, and while I was not in the business of sleeping with strangers, I was in the business of allowing myself to get to know such a beautiful human being.

I really don't know exactly what it is about him but I know that I can't stay away from him. I felt tingly in my lips when he was kissing me, and no boy had ever made my heart beat so fast.

I had only had three boyfriends in the past, none of which had gotten past third base. I was a virgin. My cheeks flushed as I thought about it and I realized just how sexual Beau can be. I knew in the back in my mind that he was definitely not a virgin.

For some reason the thought of another girl in his bed caused my skin to crawl, and I didn't allow my mind to dwell on it.

It was then that I realized he had left the eggs out on the counter behind him and a smirk was on my lips as I knew what I was about to do. He had just turned the burner on the stove off and was ready to empty the newly made eggs into a serving bowl next to the pan.

I crept up behind him and took a large egg out of the yellow plastic container, and swiftly cracked it over his head.

"Arielle you didn't." He said as he turned around to face me, a surprised and incredulous look evident in his deep set brown eyes.

Yellow (and quite slimy) yoke matted down his brown hair to his forehead, and dripped onto his nice black v-neck.

"But I did." The same smirk resurfaced on my lips.

"You're sexy when you smirk." He took a step towards me and I blushed.

He put an arm on both sides of me, leaning his hands against the counter top behind me so that I was between him. He leaned down to me and looked in my eyes causing time to stop.

Our breaths were once again shallow and if he leaned his head down another inch our lips would be pressed against each others. The thought cause tingles to rise from my core, and he leaned down.

He didn't lean down far enough, but just far enough to brush his lips so lightly against my own and they almost felt like a feather. I wanted him to kiss me dammit.

It was then that I felt something slimy sliding from my hair down my face and Beau pulled away from me, melodic and beautiful heart filled laughs ripped from his throat.

"You bastard! You used my emotions to get to the eggs behind me!" I tried to make my voice sound angry but failed miserably as a small giggle escaped my lips. My laugh betrayed my angry stance and glare and we both erupted into a new batch of laughs.

His shoulders shook with each laugh, and his eyes shined with fresh tears as he laughed so hard that his laughs became silent.

After we were done laughing he looked down on me, a smile the last remainder of his previous laughing.

"I have no idea how you still look that damn hot, baby doll." A blush crept on my face and my stomach grumbled.

"I'm hungry." I stated obviously and he chuckled deeply.

Beau showed me the "ghetto way" of getting eggs out of our hair, by using the faucet on the sink and drying our hair off with a kitchen towel.

"God you're adorable. Let's eat." The blush grew hotter and I was very glad that he could not see my face as he got two plates from the cabinet behind him along with two forks.

My blush did not fade as much as I would of liked by the time he turned back around but it was better then nothing.

Silently cursing my damned blush I sat down at one of chairs at the small oak table and waited for Beau.

He came over with a plate and sat down and started eating it.

"Where's my plate of food?"

"Your plate is on the counter, the food is in the pan. I'm not your butler." His signature smirk was on his lips as he shoved scrambled egg into his mouth. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Bastard." But I couldn't help the slight smile as I said it.


So I'm writing this on my phone , and it's not edited so I'm sorry. And sorry for the length but I am writing it on my phone. Thank you for anybody that reads this.

I will have an update by Tuesday or Wednesday. Maybe tomorrow.


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