(1) Grody

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I chased down Eric Romas through the hallways of school along with his other friends. They kept on making weird sounds and very immature gestures while running away from me. I tried my best to keep up with them even though I knew they were holding back against me.

I couldn't have just given up that easily, especially when they took something of mine which is very important to me. I didn't realise of how many students were recording and laughing at my misery. The situation got way more out of hand when Eric ran outside of the school and left his buddies to guard the door to not let me through.

My rage took over me and knocked over those two idiots. Without hesitation, I left the school compound and continued my chase for Eric all the way to a bridge. Eric stopped at the bridge and waited for me to catch up.

Once I've caught up with him, he gave me a stern look and lifted his right arm where he was holding my book with. He then proceeded to throw my book off the bridge and into the small pond. Without wasting any time, I dropped my bag and books on the ground and jumped into the murky looking water. I retrieved my book that had sunk into the water and climbed back up onto the bridge.

I flipped through the pages and all of it were soaked, some were already torn. I sat down on my knees in defeat, as I had just lost one of the major reasons of why this world is worth living. I shed a tear in lost hope.

As I was walking back home, I went through my phone in which I found dozens of videos of me running down the hallway like a maniac. Plenty of thinking went through my mind, one of which was suicide. While walking, I stopped at the front of store that was selling mirrors and other useless antiques.

I might as well take a look inside the store to mock the uselessness of the items. When I entered the store, the only person in the store was the cashier. I don't think the cashier even noticed me entering the store. Once inside, I begin my descent into mockery.

Most of the items there were really old and dusty. However, there was one item that took my attention to it. It was a small mirror, in which it had an oval shaped glass and a dark purple border. But the main reason why it caught my eye is because it had a price of only ten dollars. It surprised me, considering the other antiques were quite expensive compared to this well preserved and cheap antique.

I picked up the small mirror and set it over to the cashier counter. I told the cashier that I wanted to but it, which he replies with a creepy stare. His grey dead eyes gave shivers down my spine. I put the money on the counter and rushed outside of the store along with the new mirror that I've bought.

On the way to home, I ripped the price tag right off the mirror. As I reached home, I tried my best to look as happy as I could be. My father in-law was waiting at the door with his unbuttoned shirt and a belt in his hands. I sighed and proceeded to walk up to the drunken looking man.

He allowed me to come inside the house, only to force me to sit at the dining table. I saw a couple of alcoholic beverages near the couch, scattered and even spilled on the floor. I entered the dining room, to be greeted by the smell of spoiled food. Apparently, nobody even bothered to clean the plates on the table.

I sat on one of the old and rusty chairs. I could see a fly in one of the bowls of soup having its time of its life there. My father in-law followed me from behind and watches me as I sat on the chair. He pulls out his phone and displayed it infront of me. I looked at the screen of the phone which was a video. I noticed the title was "CRAZY KID CHASES AFTER SCHOOL HEROES". I thought to myself, committing suicide would be a pretty good decision now.

Jokes aside, the video begun to play. I froze, not knowing what to do. The video starts of with me running after three grease monkeys down the hallway. The video felt like a long time even though it was only a thirty-two second video. The video finishes with me leaving the school, followed by the students who were recording the video laughing.

My father in-law placed his phone back to his pockets and asks a question.

Gibson: Is this you?

I was tempted to say something like "Obviously dipshit, who else could it be" or "Can't you recognize your own son in-law?". But instead, I simply said " Yes". He slowly nodded and clenches his fists. The maniac grabbed me by the neck and threw me across the floor.

At this point I knew that I was gonna end up in a hospital like my mom did. So I did what any other person would do, which was to defend myself. I stood back up, and prepared for his next attack. Predictably enough, he did just that. He lunged at me with his arms flailing around like a zombie.

I moved slightly to the left, which would allowed me to easily escape his attack. He hits the wall with extreme force and collapsed to the floor. I could have easily, stomped on his face and maybe even killed him just by doing so, but I didn't. He wasn't worth the effort. I left him on the floor lying unconscious and went straight to my room. As I entered my room, my little brother was there lying on the floor colouring some pictures.

Adam looks up to me and immediately hugs me. I didn't want to spoil his mood and so I hugged him back. My little brother had dark brown hair, large brown eyes and was wearing a simple blue shirt with shorts. Adam asked of where I've been. I didn't answer, only because he didn't need to know that his big brother had been bullied by a bunch of lowlifes. I smiled and went to my closet to get new pair of clothes. Adam sat on the bed while watching me looking through my closet.

After the exhausting search for my clothes, I've decided to wear a black hoodie and black jeans. They were a little tight for me but it was the only choice I had besides a dozen of torn up clothes. Before I left the house to begin my streak of bad deeds, I gave my brother some money for school tomorrow.

It was getting dark, so I needed to hurry or else I might loose the job. After all, I needed the money for school, family and to keep the house. The job wasn't a pleasant one nor it was an enjoyable one either. But it does get the money flowing for me.

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