(2) Delivery of death

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The night descends upon me as I stroll around the park. The supplier has never been this late before, especially during Mondays when it is being demanded from drug addicts. As usual the park is empty, but occasionally some joggers would dare to jog around this late.

I can't blame them though for not going to the park this late. As evil lurks around every corner just waiting for a foolish idiot to pass by only to be mugged, raped or even killed. Hopefully, people will somehow overcome these dark forces and not live in fear for their lives.

Boredom struck my mind as I had nothing else to do other than stare lifelessly at the moon or watch the trees wave around aimlessly. About an hour later, a mysterious figure appears out from the shadows. As he got closer, I got a better look at the person. The man isn't the usual supplier that always hands me the "stuff" and giving me a smirk before leaving.

Instead, the man appears to be wearing a leather jacket along with his blue jeans. His hair is shaved and his face is riddled with scars especially at his forehead. He is also wearing gloves while holding a package. The man gave me a menacing feel, like something was really wrong with him.

"Take this" he insisted as he hands me the package.

The man is even more scary looking up close.

"What happened to the other guy?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"He couldn't make it" The man exclaims before giving me the address of the person I should be giving the package to.

My mind went racing the moment he said those words. A man gives me a package and expecting me to deliver it to the address without me knowing what has happened to the normal supplier. I can't trust him I said multiple times in my head.

"Are we done here. I've got things to do" The man says as he snaps me back to reality.

I shrugged and slowly nodded before letting him out of my sights. I glance at him as he turns around and returns to the darkness where he seems to belong to. Without wasting any more precious time, I gave the address a quick look and upon examining it, the address was linking me to a mansion right beside a river.

I know this because my mom used to drive me and my little brother around the river showing us the big houses that ruins the scenery. But right now, the time for sightseeing is not the best in this situation. In this situation I have to deliver drugs to a rich business man or even a well known politician.

While walking to my destination, I couldn't help but wonder what was inside the package. I needed to know what was inside, I can't just deliver random objects to someone who'd probably slit my throat if they knew I delivered them the wrong stuff. In an act of justice, I shook my head and reluctantly tear a small hole to see what was inside the package. It was hard to see, especially in the dark.

However, once my eyes have gotten used to the darkness that lies within the package, I froze. The package didn't contain any sort of drugs, instead it was piles of cash stacked neatly on each other. I frantically threw the package on the ground, knowing fully that I've been carrying blood money to an appropriately described rich asshole.

At the same time I've been thinking of the amount of money that was inside the very package infront of me, waiting to be owned by a soul. I hastily picked up the package and looked through the hole again. I couldn't believe it, I could just take the money and all of my financial issues would be gone for a very long time.

I can only imagine the fun it could be with the money I had in my sweating hands. But also the danger I would put myself into the situation. Alas, I had made a decision to keep some of the money that was inside the package. It only took me a couple of minutes to store the first row of money into my backpack.

I wasn't that dumb though, I knew the rich man awaiting for my arrival would probably search me of the missing money. Unfortunately for him, I had a plan to place the money in a safe place where nobody would ever look. So I placed the money near a tree in which I've marked. The tree was a couple of houses away from the location of the dropout which made it very easily recognized by me.

I made my way to the destination that was given to me by a mysterious looking man. I was confident enough to not worry about the money I've hid at the tree. Mainly because I did a pretty good job at hiding the money by digging and burying it in the soil. After a few minutes of walking down the endless road, I had finally reached the location.

The mansion was mostly white in colour and the design of it was very elegant. Sport cars were parked at the front of the mansion orderly. The mansion had many windows which only made the house even more grand than it already was. I went closer to the entrance of the mansion to have a better look. Two men in suits were standing in front of the front door whom immediately notices my presence.

One of the men also notices the package that I was holding and invited me inside of the house. This intrigued me quite a bit because usually customers will have me waiting outside to pickup the package with their bodyguards. For some reasons I smirked and went along with the bodyguard in which he brought me inside of the royal-ish mansion.

Once inside, I could instantly smell the stench of money and drugs. Just your average drug house. The mansion had bodyguards scattered in almost every room of the place. Some of the guards even had strange tattoos around their neck and arms. They brought me all the way to a dimly lit room complete with a desk and a big leathery chair. Even though the room had any light in it, I could still make up the facial structures of the man sitting on the chair. He was slightly plump which fits him perfectly in the big chair.

The man had grey hair with a frowning face giving the impression of an experienced professional at what he does. Wearing a white suit and a silver-like-watch shows that this man is someone not to be screwed with. He stood up, followed by a crooked smile.

"Let's get down to business" he says as he slowly makes his way towards me.

I nodded and offered the package to the man in white. Instead, one of his guards insisted that he'll be the one to open it. With that, I gave the package to the guard. He sets the package to the ground and pulls out a knife which he then begins to cut the package open. He examined the money inside the package carefully, stroking his chin while doing so. Suddenly, his expression changes to a very surprised face.

The guard gave me a odd look which made me somewhat uneasy. By now I could already feel as something wrong is about to happen. I made a quick glance to look at the door. A bodyguard was blocking my way of exiting the place. I gulped, but still tried to remain calm. The bodyguard stands back up and whispers into the man in white's ear.

His face completely changes into a bitter-like-look on his face. A tear of sweat slowly pours on my face. The man in white calmly places one hand on my shoulder and the other in his suit. In swift motions, he forces me against the wall and shoves a pistol at my chest. My heart raced as he pushes the gun deeper to my chest. I was too traumatized to move or even say anything. My eyes were locked at the gun that was against my chest.

"Where's the money?" He asks aggressively.

"I....I...don't know" I replied with agony.

"Sir, we can't leave witnesses" The guard murmured.

"I know that!" The man shouted back.

The man stares blankly into my eyes, as if he was studying me. His heavy breathing smelled of cigarettes. His eyes widened. His gun fired. He shot at my left lung. As I slowly dropped to the ground, my whole life flashed right before me. The pain only lasted for a few moments before I've finally passed out. The last image I ever thought of was a gross of tentacles and eyes that were watching my every move before finally gasping for my last breath of air.

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