(10) Hope

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The woman backed up all the way to the corner. Somehow, her claws retracted back into her fingers. Her bloodshot eyes turned into a deep blue colour. Her face shifts itself to become a beautiful woman. She was no longer a blood sucking monster. Instead, she resembles a damsel in distress. She needed our help. And I wasn't going to let her be imprisoned in some basement anymore.

Like a moth, attracted towards the light, I was drawn to her. I shook my head and carefully walked towards her. For each step I take, my heart only beats faster. I knew she was dangerous, but she still needed my help. And I was willing to give her just that. I reached out for her with my hand.

"Watch out!" Cade shouted behind me.

Before I knew it, she pinned me to the ground with incredible strength. Her monstrous face was right in front of mine, and her claws were ready to slice my head off. At that moment, I knew there was no way out of this easily. Cade wasn't going to save me in time. Her fangs were much more intimidating up close. She lifted her arm in the air, ready to strike. Cade dashed across the room to save me.

I waited for my death for at least five seconds. She still hasn't sliced my head off. Her breathing was heavy, as if she was deciding on something. Then, she gave me the same look I gave her the first time I saw her. The look of pityness haunted her face. I wanted to say something, but I was afraid she might kill me. After a brief moment of silence, she finally spoke.

"Who are you?"

She spoke in a soft tone. Her voice was croaky yet pleasant to listen to.

"I....I....I'm Keith"

I was too nervous to speak properly due to her being able to kill me instantaneously. Out of curiosity, I asked her the same question she asked me.

"What about you? What's your name?"

I expected her to rip my throat out for asking a question. Instead, she politely answered it.

"Lilith. My name's Lilith"

She lifted her hand right above my face. She closed her eyes and chanted in a language that I cannot understand. I glanced behind me to see Cade getting ready to attack just in case anything goes wrong. After a few more chants, she opened her eyes in shock. Her eyes widened in distress. I knew something was wrong.

"You have been associating with the Void haven't you?"

"Yeah, I have"

She got right of me. Lilith had a distaste face plastered on her.

"Then, I'm afraid you're fate has already been sealed" She said as she sits down in the corner.

"I know I'm going to die. But, right now my brother is in danger. So, I have no choice but to save him" I said as I got back on my feet.

As soon as I said that, I knew she had trouble trying to believe me. Her blue eyes stared at me with a questionable look. I wondered what she truly is. Perhaps she was an angel in human form. Or a demon. Whatever she is, I felt like she is the hottest thing in this world.

'Hey!" Lilith had an eyebrow lifted.

I realized that I had been staring at her for the past minute. I blushed. I needed to focus, not start fantasising about a girl. I had to find my brother. I couldn't imagine what those mobsters were doing to him. When I find my brother, if he has any marks on him, I will murder every single one of those sick bastards.
As of now, I just found out that my brother wasn't here. I just hope that he isn't one of these bones on the floor. Right now, I have to deal with Lilith.

"Have you seen my little brother?" I asked her, to get some insight about her.

"Well, as I can recall, I've only ate a man in his thirties and a woman younger then fifty years of age. So, no. I haven't seen your brother"

I froze, not knowing what to say next. So, I glanced over to Cade to talk to her. Cade understood my look and he immediately starts questioning her. I was glad that Cade was here to help me in search for my little brother. Although, I've only properly introduced myself to Cade a couple of hours ago, I knew I could trust him. He was the only person I could count on if there was any trouble. Even though he was the one who got me into all of this, he is trying to get me out of this. I've never really understood why Cade wanted to help me in the first place. He just agreed on helping me with my family problem. After all of this, I don't know what he's going to do. But nonetheless, I appreciate his help.

"Why are you down here?" Cade asks.

"Wait, how can I trust you guys?" Lilith looks at me.

She did bring up a good point. If I was locked up in a basement for my entire life, then two guys came out of nowhere and starts questioning me, I would probably be hesitant to tell them anything. But right now, I don't have time for chatting around.

I summoned my spear out of thin air and slashed at the chains. The chains snapped in half with ease. It was like cutting through butter. Lilith didn't even flinch every time I swung my spear. She rubbed her wrists that were once chained. The chains left a horrid scar on her wrists.

"Is this enough for trusting us?" I raised a brow.

She smiled.

"Alright, fine. Ask me anything you want"

I was about to explain everything to her. Unfortunately, before I could say anything, I was interrupted by a loud burly voice. I turned around only to be faced with two men in suits. They were ripped with muscles. One of them were scanning the room. The other one was looking over at me. Even with the sunglasses, I could tell his eyes were locked on me. He smirked and they both walked towards us.

I clenched my fists, getting ready for a fight. I was begging for some action. After all that talk with Lilith, I needed to relieve some steam. Before me and Cade could get some action, Lilith charged at them with her claws and fangs. She moved like a blur, I could barely keep up with her. She slashed at one of the guard's stomach, causing all of his guts to spill out on the ground. For the other one, it's much worse. She sliced all of his limbs apart which he then fell on his back. He screamed in pain as blood oozed out of his severed limbs. Lilith stepped to his side and lowered herself to his level.

Her eyes were filled with sinister thoughts. Lilith lowered her head to his neck. She licked her lips before biting into his neck. The guard was still screaming from all the pain that he was going through. But getting your blood sucked from your neck by a vampire has to be the most painful experience you could ever go through. He breathed his last as Lilith sucks all blood that he had. He was left nothing, but a carcass dryer than the hottest desert in the world.

As she stood back up and walked over to us, I couldn't help but notice her fangs dripping with blood. It sent shivers down my spine. I never knew that when vampires suck the blood out of people, the scene would be that horrific. I guess movies lie. I looked over at Cade and he gave me the same look I did to him. Who knew vampires could be this cool. Her facial features changed. She went back to normal.

"Are we just gonna stand here or are we gonna get out?" Lilith leaned at the wall.

Cade and I nodded and we all left the building. As soon as we left, dozens of police cruisers and SWAT vans arrived at the mansion. It'll be a shock to them, seeing all those dead and decapitated bodies of people. Luckily for us, we managed to slip through all of the cops. With Lilith, the blood-sucking vampire accompanying us, it's just a matter of time before I finally found my brother. With her help we can track down those bastards once and for all.

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