(8) Bruises and Cuts

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It was already getting late. The Sun was beginning to set. I needed to hurry or I might loose the man. And leaving without the answers of my brothers whereabouts is not an option for me. It's now or never. So I ran as fast as I could to my school. I passed dozens of houses with their families playing at their yard. If only they knew a murderer was running in front of their houses.

I tried not attracting any attention from the families. But even so, they don't seem to care. Probably the power of the Void doing its work.

"Keep moving, they won't see you" A sinister voice spoke in my mind.

I took its advice and moved on. Once I passed through the bridge that crossed the small lake, I could see my school. It looked more depressing than usual. Moving closer, I had a clear look at my school. I noticed the doors were wide opened, as if someone's there. I entered my school with hopes of finding the man as quickly as possible. I didn't want to get caught by the janitor or something.

I walked through the halls in haste. As I entered the gym, I widened my eyes in shock. Bodies of the deceased have littered the ground. Trails of blood and guts were sprawled on the walls and floors. The bodies were apparently somewhat similar. As if I somehow recognize those people. The whole scenery was entirely gruesome. Something you'd imagine out of a horror movie.

I sifted through some of the bodies and discovered that all of them had very similar wounds. Holes that pierced through their chests and foreheads. All of their guns were loaded but were never fired. Whatever I was dealing with, it was fast, deadly and merciless. I continued following splashes of blood and sometimes even severed limbs. The trail leaded me to the school field.

I paused and scanned the entire area. Something or someone manage to attract my attention to it. It went into the toilets. If it's one thing I'm afraid of, it's the school's toilets. If that doesn't scare you, I don't really know what will. I shook my head, and went towards the toilet. As the closer I got to the toilet, the more I realize that the entrance to the toilet was emitting strange glowing purple lights out of it. Every few seconds, the lights get brighter than usual. Still, after the experience with the glowing book from the Void, I don't think anything can't top that.

I squinted my eyes to avoid the light while also moving towards it. Once I got close enough to the door, I could hear the voices of men from inside it. They were grunting and sometimes even screaming. Who could tell of what was happening in there. I clenched my fists and went straight into the toilet.

"Holy shit" I cursed myself.

Spirit like beings flew around the toilet ripping and slicing anyone that comes in contact with them. One guy even got sliced in half. His torso and legs were completely separated. I wanted to faint, I wanted to go to sleep and wake up, like this was all just a bad dream. But I couldn't, this is the reality that I have to deal with now. This is the harsh life that I have to go through with. And if that means I'm saving my brother, I'm very much ready for what comes next of my journey.

I snapped myself back to reality. The spirits no longer roam the toilet in search for people to kill. Instead a man in a leather jacket was facing me. He had blue jeans on and his hair was shaved bald. His green eyes latched on to me. I couldn't help but stare at his leathery gloves that were covered in blood. He gave me the same feeling when I first saw him. The feeling of dread.

He looked surprised. Not the good kind of surprised. More like I'm going to kill you now that I know you survived, kind of surprised. He looked at me with great intensity. His eyeballs alone are making me uneasy.

"You...your alive?" The shaved man sounded confused.

I wanted to strangle him for what he did to me. Instead, I calmed my nerves and asked him the question that I needed to know the most first.

"Yeah, I survived. Where's my brother?" I demanded.

He didn't answer. He seemed to still trying to understand what's going on. Now he really is starting to piss me off.

"I'm tired of your bullshit. Can you just tell me where he is" I frowned.

"I will, but you need to do exactly as I say"

"I don't care about you. I just want to know where's my brother" I yelled at him.

"Are you deaf or something? I said if you help me, I will tell you where's your brother" The man gave me a sly smile.

I had enough with him and stopped holding back all my anger at him. Rage filled me in the most painful way imagined and I immediately leaped at him.

"YES, YES KILL HIM. HE NEEDS TO DIE" The twisted voice spoke in my mind.

It didn't need to remind me, I was planning on that. All that pain and anger I've acquired throughout the past few days will ultimately finally help me in this situation. At the very moment, I was hoping he'd fight back as I didn't want a fight without any retaliation. I wanted a challenge.

The moment I moved was also the moment his hands glowed purple. It didn't distract me from the real threat. He lifts his right arm to my level in swift motions and with that, I was thrown outside of the toilet and into the field. I smashed through the door with high velocity and still went flying. Pain erupted at my back as I landed on the wet grass. I should've seen that was coming. I moaned loudly in releasing my pain at my back.

I slowly stood back up. It wasn't easy, but I need to keep on trying to get the answers out of him. He leaves the toilet, unscarred. He looks like he's ready to do another one of his magic. I tried my best to look like the pain didn't hurt, but even so, I didn't think he cared.

The air around us seemed to slow down. Barely any wind is howling. The sky is pitch black with no stars. Just me and him.

"So kid, how'd you survive?" He smiled

"None of your business"

I charged at him with great speed. He smirked and simply dodged at the right moment for me to miss him. He kicked me at my back which made me fall headfirst on the ground. My nose felt broken and my back was not in good shape. It was like applying salt to a wound. He circled around me while I was crying in pain. I thought about my little brother and how much he needed me right now. I thought about all the things we did together when we were younger. All the screaming and laughing. I thought about the only thing that matters the most in the world, my little brother.

I slammed my fists on the ground, creating large tentacles to erupt from the ground and into the air. The tentacles were much bigger and taller than me. The man was too busy being cocky about his victory and was caught off guard by this. He was sent flying into the air, about 10 meters high and landed with a big "Ooofffff!"

I wanted to hurt him even more, but he seemed to already be in agony. He lifted his head to see me.

"Y-you have the Void?" Asks the man

I nodded in advanced. At this point I didn't know what to do. I could either kill him or simply let him live. Either way, I needed the answers to find my brother. He finally stood back up. Although, I don't think he should be standing up.

"Kid, you and me have a lot of catching up to do" He sounded serious.

"Can we start with your name?" I asked while raising my left brow.

"Cade...Cade Holler" He replied

I didn't think anyone would've recognize the Void that easily. Guess I was wrong. With Cade able to comply, I can finally get back on the track to finding my brother. Hopefully.

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