(7) Redemption

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I needed to find my brother. I also needed answers. So I did the last thing that anyone who has the abilities of the void would do. I called for help from the void. In an instant, I was immediately transported back to the realm of the void. The place was exactly the same as I last saw it. Giant tentacles in the sky. Vile green liquid as the surface. And platforms suspended in air.

I can honestly say, that I wasn't thrilled to be back there. Especially facing the weird looking void monster. I looked around the place, and I didn't see anyone or anything. Until I was greeted with yet again the Void itself. It's grody eyes scanned me with despair. The tentacles around it slowly swung leisurely. The Void was calm (I think).

"So far so good" I murmured to myself.

"Yes, we are calm" The Void spoke in soft yet deep voice.

I gulped and widened my eyes. It could be a coincidence that the Void knew what I was thinking about.

"What do you want?" The Void asked

"I need to know what happened to my little brother" I exclaimed to the Void.

"The Void does not simply give free information" The Void sounded pissed.

"Oh great. Do I have to do something for you first?" I asked without thinking

"Tell us, do you know why you were chosen as the champion of the Void?"

"Because I'm special in some way?" I answered.

"The minute we saw you enter the pawn shop, is the moment we realized that you were the one who will become the next champion of the Void"

It was hard focusing on the Void speak. Especially when hundreds of eyes are looking at you. Like how does it even speak without a mouth. All these questions that I want to ask, but I'm afraid of offending it in someway.

"What do you mean the next champion. Has there been another champion of the Void before me?" I asked the Void

"Yes, since the beginning of time we have existed"

"So, what happened to the other champions?"

"They all have perished"


I was beginning to think that the Void was not really a gift but a curse. Nonetheless, I needed the power of the Void to help me find my brother. Which cannot be done without the Void. So I didn't really have a choice.

"Wait, I want to know one more thing. Were you the old guy at the cashier when I first stepped inside the pawn shop?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No Keith, we were the mirror that you bought" The Void looked annoyed.

I felt like an idiot for asking such a dumb question. How couldn't I even figure this simple thing out.

"Enough talking, if you want to know the whereabouts of your brother, you will need to find the man that handed you the package of money. If you manage to find him, you will find your brother, and perhaps even save him. The man is located at your school" The Void explained to me.

I nodded and frowned. I didn't expect the guy who handed me the package to be part of this shithole. But then again, he did got me into this whole problem in the first place. So I couldn't wait to find the man and have a little "chat" with him. But what had me thinking in the first place was why was he at my school. Something like that isn't easily understandable.

"Go now, and fulfill your destiny champion" The Void ordered me.

The Void slowly disappears in thin air. A book has appeared on an altar in the center platform. It clearly wasn't there before. I flipped through the pages and found myself on page 234. The book radiated heat, which I accidentally dropped on the ground. The words glowed brightly. So bright that I don't even need to look at the book. Until the whole area had turned just white due to the book.

I opened my eyes after squinting for so long, and I was now back at Earth. Looking directly at the Sun didn't even hurt. I guess that book seriously did something wrong with me. I shook my head to clear my mind, and continued on with my journey.

My school wasn't exactly far away from my home. Well, what used to be my home. Now it's a pile of wood, concrete and blood. I didn't look back, even with all the things I've been through in just a few days. Getting shot. Being revived from the dead. Discovering I had dark powers. Killed a bunch of people. And now, I'm finding the man who did all of this to me. He will pay for what he did to me. He deserves no mercy from me.

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