(6) Lost

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"Sir, don't move!" Shouted the policeman.

He kept his fingers closely to his gun. He knew that I wasn't going to follow orders that easily after what I did just then. Fear dreaded the officer's thoughts. He was more scared of me than of me to him.

He slowly approaches me from my back, not letting his guard down. Not even for a second. His eyes locked on me like homing missiles. Watching my every movement. Fingers twitching. A drop of sweat ran down his forehead.

In a split second, I pinned him on the wall without him even reacting to it. I wanted to kill him, I really did. But I needed answers first. I cast aside my hatred and anger to question the officer. My hands around his neck sure did made him more wimpy. Even though he was very much taller than me, he was smart enough to not fight back. "Good man" I muttered to myself.

"He is weak, kill him" the voice said to me.

"What do you know about what happened here?" I said, as calm as I could.

"I...I........" He replied with watery eyes.

I guess the voice really was right, the man is weak after all. I mean, I barely even touched him and he's already whining like a dog. "Pathetic" I said in disgust. I squeezed his neck even more. Doing so, made him let out a call of help. The other policemen heard him, and rushed towards us.

I looked at the officer in the eyes. He was clearly no match for me right now. Even though, he didn't say anything, I can clearly tell he was begging for his life. I could tell he had a family. A wife and two children. I saw his memories of his life. The good ones and the bad ones. The whole trance felt like becoming one with the officer.

He clearly didn't deserve death. I lost my grip on him and he fell to the ground, gasping for air. I realized the mistake that I've done. The killing and death only made me hungry for more blood. I was being used to cause more chaos. I was a pawn to the everlasting void of darkness.

Officers barged in the room in haste. I glanced at my back to see the officers rushing in the room. I gritted my teeth, knowing I won't be leaving the house easily. The officers pulled out their guns and aimed at me. They kept on yelling to put my hands in the air and move away from the officer. I ignored every order.

I had a sudden lost of strength which made me loosen my grip on the officers neck. I felt as if my body was loosing control. My body was no longer in control. Instead, a being even more sinister has taken over. I could feel it's presence around me.

"If you won't kill him, then I WILL!" Shouted the sinister voice.

An explosion of tentacles erupted around me, killing everything in its path. The officers stood no chance against it. The tentacles pierced right through their bodies, impaling them. Blood splattered across the room, showering it in gore. Their bodies are thrown across the floor, spilling their guts all over it.

I couldn't do anything besides gawk at the dead bodies. "Enough" I said to myself and forced myself to take control over. I used every bit of will I had to control my body again. I fell to the ground on my knees.

I opened my eyes and I could feel that I was in complete control again. I sighed in relief to know that I wasn't being manipulated by the voice. I stood back up, and limped towards the bloodied door. As I walked outside the house, I found something inside of me. Something even more powerful than anger and hatred. I can only hope that this is enough to stop the void from taking control ever again.

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