as i fall ~

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As I fall
Towards the stony earth face
Don't catch me
Don't aid me
Let me experience the panic
And the consuming fear
Before my wings unfold

As tears flow from my eyes
In rivers of ink and gold
Don't comfort me
Don't love me
Let me experience the heartbreak
And the jagged pain
Before my savior comes to dam the steady streams

As I stand firm
Against all forces of adversity
Don't help me
Don't guide me
Let me construct my own armor
And patch every wound in solitude
Before the misted recovery commences

As I journey
O'er the most iron-willed mountains
Don't save me
Don't rescue me
Let me experience all that life throws at me before I return to your sheltering embrace

As I fall
Don't catch me
But instead
Let me drop

Because that's the only way
I'll ever learn to fly.

Written in the Wondering StateWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt