just rambling ~

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Hurt comes in a thousand colors

Some of them haven't been invented yet

Some of them we can't see because we're human

Some of them are revealed to only a few

And some of them have deigned to let us comprehend them

The sky is blue

Does it just reflect off the ocean?

Or is it another color of Hurt?

Too far away to be close enough

Too close enough to be special

Too regular to be new

Too big to be easily understood

Too colorful to be categorized

Blue as sadness when we pay attention

Except brilliant

And sometimes dashed with white

Sometimes bleeding red

And orange and pink and purple

At sunset


It is most beautiful

Right before it disappears

Dissolving into ink

With an explosion of constellations

Peppering its depths

Hidden colors

Unseen to the unspoken

Unheard of to the ignorant

Maybe they make up the colors of Hurt

Or maybe they are significant in another way

Or maybe I'm just rambling on about nothing

If we were eyeless we couldn't even see color

If we were noseless we couldn't smell

If we were earless we couldn't hear

What if we humans are void of something?

What if we are missing something important?

What if there's ten more senses out there

That we are far too reasonable to accept?

For reason will get you everywhere

Until you realize you've gone backwards

And you're only confirming what you already know

Sometimes one needs to push reason aside

And leap past the physical

To see something they would normally miss

Are we missing something?

Are we incomplete?

Maybe we are

Or maybe I'm just rambling on about nothing

Mirrors reflect the person looking in them

But do they really?

What if there is a whole other parallel world

Out there

Beyond all these mirrors

But it is a nightmare

A horrible alternate universe

Where bad is good

And free is chained

And sight is misleading

And love is twisted

And everything is the opposite

Of what it was meant to be

And this twin figure staring at you

Who copies your movements

Protects you from these horrors

By pressing you back

And hardening the glass portal

Every time you touch the mirror

Or maybe


You're the reflection

And there is an unbroken world out there

Beyond the mirror's cage

Or maybe I'm just rambling on about nothing

--written in the wondering state

Written in the Wondering StateWhere stories live. Discover now