CH. 1

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Description: Look like Acnologia from Fairy Tail except with your favorite colors 

(Y/n) POV

'Man I'm bored' I thought as I was sitting in my cave in a mountain looking out over a forest 

'I wish humans were still here so I had something to do. They always ran in terror, but it was at least something to do' and I stood up to go back into the cave further. I let out a growl to scare off any Grimm that were back further. I was laying on my stomach thinking of something to do until I had an idea

 'I got it! I'll just make myself look like a human' I thought as I got up to look through all the different types of magic I could use

 'Bingo!' I thought as I found what I was looking for. I cast the magic and I saw a large flash of light and now I looked like a human. I had (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair 

"Not bad at all" I said to myself 

"Good thing this also gave me clothes" I thought out loud and I walked out my cave 

"I wonder if I still have all my power" I said and jumped up and kicked a boulder in half

 'Good to know' I thought as I then heard someone start to rustle around behind me 

Who's there?" I said and my hand was engulfed in (f/c) flames and four different girls jumped out of the bushes 

"How did you do that?" one that had black and red hair, who had silver eyes 

"I don't understand" I said to them 

"How did you kick that boulder in half?" one that had yellow hair and violet eyes 

"That. It's all in the knee's" I said to them and one that had white hair and ice blue eyes said

 "How long have you lived out here?"

 "All my life" I said and I heard some growls and snarls behind us and I looked to see at least 45 Beowolf's

 "Hey, you, stand back we've got this" The yellow haired one said and I just looked back and relight my hand on fire and blasted all of them. All for girls stood there stunned and I put my hand out

 "You should totally come to Beacon with us!" the red haired one said

 "What's a Beacon?" I asked them and they all deadpanned 

"It's a school for training the best Hunter's and Huntresses in the world and I can tell you have a lot of potential" the one that had black hair with a bow in it and she had amber eyes 

"Sure I got nothing better to do" I said and we all made our way to this school.

Time skip

"So who is this?" a man with silver hair and a green suit sitting at a desk with a chair that looked kind of falic said to us

 "This is- oh yeah we never got your name" the one who was named Ruby asked me

 'Oh crap. I hadn't thought of that!' I mentally screamed "It's (Y/n) (L/n)" 'Good one dumb ass. Totally believable' I thought as I said my made up name

 "well nice to meet you Mr. (L/n)" the man said 

"You girls may leave now" he said and the four of them left 

"Now (Y/n), I know what and who you really are" he said and my blood ran cold

 "Be aware, I don't know what your intentions are but if they are malicious we will put a stop to them but I will allow you to stay here for now" he said and I just flashed my (e/c) dragon eyes at him and left. 

'Looks like this little outing just got more interesting' I thought on my way down the elevator.

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