CH. 15

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(Y/n) POV

Me and Angelo hit each other with incredible force. I kicked his fist and it sent us both back 

"You know, your not half bad" he said cracking his wrist 

"Neither are you" I said and regained my stance. He then flicked his wrist upward and I could feel my feet start to sink in the ground and I jumped out of it 

"The hell?" I said as I landed 

"I see you noticed my power then?" he said moving some hair out of his face 

"i can manipulate anything" he said and tried to catch my feet in some form of mud again. I jumped out of it again and slammed my foot down on top of him. He blocked it and tried to grab my foot and throw me away but I backed away only for him to punch me in the face. I landed back on my feet and rubbed my nose. I then transformed my eyes to be in dragon form and I got on all fours 

"You think that intimidates me?" and he started to manipulate the floor to try and trap me but I started to run in a circle around him. He could barely keep up with how fast I was going around him and I made a attempt to strike by hitting him in the back. I managed to land my hit and it sent him to the far side, all most out of the ring. 'Damn, should have hit harder' I thought as he got back up 

"That hurt a little" he said and then raised both of his hands in the air. The air around me turned to rocks and they started to pelt me. They kept hitting me in the back and the stomach and one hit me in the head and left a large gash. They then stopped and I fell to one knee and he said 

"Had enough, (D/n)?" and I looked back at him with a blank expression with blood running down the side of my face over my left eye and staining my normally (h/c) hair.  My eyes were in dragon form and I started to run around him again 

"that wont work this time" he said abut this time I was going about twice as fast to the point that he could barely look fast enough to see me. And I went across and hit him with my palm and elbow sending him flying out of the ring 

"And (Y/n) (L/n) wins the singles match!" Professor Port said over the speaker and the crowd started to cheer really loud and I held my side saying "Good fight" and before I could get away very far I fell unconscious on the ground. Before I passed out I saw my team and RWBY all run over to where I was, I also threw them a grin and past out on the ground.

Yang POV

We all crowded around (Y/n)'s unconscious body and he looked like he's been through hell and back. We let the medical people pick him up and take him to the infirmary while we started to talk about how he did and how cool he was. The next match was me vs Mercury. We all parted ways and I got in the ring for my match.

Time skip

(Y/n) POV

I had woken up in the infirmary with a bandage on my head and Lisa walked in "Oh, your awake" she said and sat in the chair next to my bed 

"So..............did I win?" I asked her and she said with a smile and nod 

"You did, but you missed a lot" she said looking down 

"What happened?" I asked her and she said 

"Yang attacked Mercury which broke his leg and RWBY was disqualified from the tournament, Pyrrha and Penny are fighting right now, but I left to see if you woke up yet" and I looked down and I rubbed my temples 

"How long was I out?" 

"About a day and a half" and I flipped on the TV and we both couldn't believe what we saw. Pyrrha had just cut up Penny and apparently she was a robot 

"My god" Lisa said while I just stared at the TV not wanting to believe my eyes. I quickly turned it off and we stayed silent for a little bit 

"where's Rabbit and Nova?" I asked her 

"Their at the arena, I said I would check on you while they watched the match" and I got up and Lisa tried to push me down 

"Lay back down, your not fit to move right now" she said and I removed my bandage and stretched 

"Our enemies are striking now, get Rabbit and Nova, we need to act" and she nodded and ran out of the room.

Time skip

I met everyone at the outside of the school in the courtyard after they finished dealing with some Atlesian paladins. We all then heard the ground start to rumble and I knew what it meant. At this moment a giant nevermore flew down and was about to attack us until a arrow hit it in the center of the head and it dropped. We all turned to see that Rabbit had a glowing bow 

"Neat" I said and he drew it back again 

"It can kill anything in one shot" and I nodded. I started to think of a plan and I said 

"rabbit, I want you on top of the dorms, call out Grimm and white fang, if it gets to close drop it, Nova, Lisa, help cover the courtyard the rest of you" I said and turned away from them 

"Give them a proper welcome" I said with a small grin and Sun said 

"So, a mountain of over the top violence, pointless destruction and piles and piles of swearing?" and I grew my smile with sharp teeth 

"Exactemundo" and they all left. I felt someone grab my arm and I looked to see Weiss 

"What are you gonna do?" 

"Oh you know, go stop some assholes from opening a dimensional gateway which would unleash damnation upon this world" and I ran off towards The Hellmouth's  vault.

Meanwhile in the vault

"Get that door open!" Verix yelled to some White Fang grunts who are working on the main door. He then turned to see Sarich holding Luna's hands behind her back 

"So, traitor, how does it feel to know what you did had no meaning?" he said holding her chin 

"Get away from me" she said with venom and struggling 

"That's new, you don't normally show any emotion" he said and let her head go. He then went up to the door which was now open and went inside 

"Get our position reported to the ships" he ordered the grunts. There was now a loud explosion at the back of the room which made everyone look that direction 

"what the hell is it now?" Verix said and Sarich then came flying into the room. Verix caught him and threw him down and he saw that you had rescued Luna and you said 

"Hey guys, I'm gonna have to stop you now" and Verix started to laugh and said 

"I'd like to see you try" and he charged you. You caught his fist and sent him back and he hit the gate 

"This is going to be fun" Verix said and then ordered everyone to leave 

"get out of here Luna, regroup with everyone on the surface and help up there, I'll deal with this guy" I said and she left as well. We then got ready and we charged at each other both with our hands on fire and when we hit it made a shock wave which knocked us both back. We both got to our feet and Verix cracked his neck and said 

"I was right to say we're equals (D/n), this is going to be interesting" and you said 

"Yeah, it will be" with a small smirk.

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