CH. 7

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3rd POV

"So....that whole conversation was a thing" Yang groaned while laying on her bed 

"I can't believe that the whole world we thought we knew was a lie" Blake said hanging her legs off the side of her bed 

"I don't want to believe it but, how else are we gonna explain how (Y/n) did all that" Weiss said as she was twiddling her thumbs 

"I think is sounds cool!" Ruby exclaimed while jumping up to her bed 

"Well I get how you think its cool but it won't matter when (Y/n) and I get married" Yang said while blushing and holding her hands up to the side of her head 

"Wait, WHAT?" The rest of team RWBY yelled at her 

"Well isn't it obvious? Me and (Y/n) are totally compatible. We both believe that violence is the best solution and he actually likes my puns" Yang finished and started to fantasize about the two of you. 

"If he were to marry anyone on this team, it would be me" Blake said putting her book down 

"How so?" 

"We're both intellectuals and we both have the same taste in books" 

"Pfft, yeah right" Yang said leaning down and Blake grabbed her and made her fall on the floor 

"Would you two stop, and the real most obvious choice for (Y/)'s hand in marriage is me" Weiss said looking at the two 

"Explain Ice queen" 

"First off I am a Schnee, I can get him whatever he wants and secondly we both possess strong discipline" and they started arguing and ruby then looked out the window and said 

"Good luck with how ever this turns out (Y/n)"

(Y/n) POV

I was called to Ozpins office for some reason he wasn't going to say over the phone. I rode the elevator up and when the door opened he was there with his assistant and someone else. The other person who was a girl about my age in human appearance. She had bright red hair with yellow streaks that made her hair look on fire, her eyes were bright orange, and her outfit was a tight black top that stopped just below her *cough*enormous*cough* cleavage (bigger than Yang), it also only had one button buttoned up, her top had long sleeves, and she had on tight black pants which amplified her curvy body and had on black high heeled boots that stopped on her calf's. I felt my face get warmer as I looked at her and she said 

"Who is this?" in a very smooth voice 

"This is (Y/n), and he is the one you'll be joining" and she got up and started to walk towards me swaying her hips 

"Hmmmmm, I guess you'll do" she said and went back to her chair and sat in it 

"Mr. (L/n), this is Nova. And she is the same thing as you" and I knew what he meant by 'like me' 

"So, your a-" she cut me off by jumping out of her chair and saying 

"A dragon? Yep, I'm a the fire dragon Nova!" I I chuckled at her extremely out going personality.

Time skip to later that day

"So this is our room?" she said looking around it 

"Yeah, it is" and she started to poke around all the different things I had inside it. When she bent over I accidentally got an good look at her butt. In human form, according to their standards and some guys saying things when were walking together as I explained life here to her, they would 'tap that ass', whatever that means. 

"Hey, it's kind of late, so i'm going to sleep" I said and she jumped on my shoulders and said 

"I call top bunk" and she jumped on top. I just sighed and laid on my bed

Time skip to morning

I woke up and when I got out of bed, Nova had fallen onto the floor snoring loudly. I noticed her sleeping attire which was a red top that had a dog face on it and she wasn't wearing any bottoms except for a pair of light red panties. 

"Nova, get up" I said moving her around with my foot. It wasn't working so I decided to use more drastic measures, I got my biggest text book and dropped it on the floor next to her. It made a very loud bang and it made her spring up so fast and leaped in the air saying 

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! What the hell (Y/n)?!" 

"Morning flame brain" I said and she tried to punch me but I let her fall on the floor 

"How come we have to get up so early?" she whined and pouted 

"I don't know, it's stupid, but I didn't make the rules, just follow them" I said and patted her head and we both got in our uniforms and left for class. On the way guys kept making remarks about Nova and the things they want to do with her and she then whispered in my ear and said 

"What do those guys mean?" 

"To humans that body is very attractive and I'm guessing they want to mate with you" and she then looked down at her chest and said

 "I thought big chests were unattractive" and she started to have fake tears run strait down her face. I just sighed and flicked the side of her head making her stop and said 

"It's the opposite, infact" we went to our class. When we go to our training class team RWBY and JNPR came up to me and said 

"Hey (Y/n)! And who is this?" Ruby asked me and Nova jumped up and wrapped her arms around my head and legs around my upper torso 

"I'm Nova!". I wouldn't have a problem with this except her breasts were pressing against the back of my head. 

"Oh, nice to meet you then" Ruby said and she introduced Nova to everyone else and the whole time I saw Yang looking at Nova's bigger chest with a dirty look. I cast a spell and read her mind at it was full of things like  

'Is this what it's like to have the smaller bust? I don't like it. Jiggle those things one more time, see what happens. It's not about size it's about how you use them' I started to snicker and laugh at her thoughts. The teachers voice brought me out of my thoughts by saying 

"Alright everybody, we have a new student joining us today, Ms. Nova Igantheous. To start of we'll be judging your skill in a match. You'll be fighting Mr. (Y/n) (L/n)" and she then jumped and did a front flip and landed in the center 

"Yaaaaaaay! I'm gonna deck him in the shnoz!" I then walked to the other side and she then had a much more frightened expression 

"What was that about my shnoz?" and we both got in position 

"Ready.....begin!" and we both went at each other.

A/N: I have added my OC to the mix and we'll see how things start to work with a hot headed, busty chick to the mix.

Nova: Hey! Don't talk about me like that!

Me: Sorry, not sorry, anyways till the next time

Nova: Bye bye!

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