CH. 6

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(Y/n) POV

Ever since that time when some one spotted me I've been feeling uneasy like someone is watching me at all times. I always have to stay on high alert for someone following me. I was walking down the hall half paying attention to where I was going and half checking if someone was following me. I was in my dorm thinking about all that has happened since I arrived here 'Typhereous, I hope you can hear me, I learned so much about the humans and I'll be competing in this tournament their holding. I also wanted to tell you that I've found it, we've been searching for it for years but it's been here the whole time. I can't understand why they would hide The Hellmouth from us. We could get rid of it easily and be sure it is never reopened again' I thought to my self while laying on my bed. I then heard a knock on my door and I went up to it and Ruby was standing there and she said 

"Hey (Y/n) are you doing anything right now?" 

"Nope, I can't think of anything I'm doing today" I said leaning on the door frame 

"well, me and my team are going out on the town with JNPR and we were wondering if you would like to join us?" 

"Sure, I got nothing better to do" I said and she jumped up and hugged me 

"Yay! I go tell them now" she said and zoomed off some where else 'Kids will be kids' I thought to my self as I walked back into my room. 

Time skip

We were all walking around town looking for something to do 

"I heard there was some good food on the other side of the city" Yang said 

"Meh, I just want something to do" Juane groaned 

"Why doesn't Weiss just use her Schnee powers to summon up some servants for something" Ruby said and Weiss thwacked the back of her head 

"I can't just make people appear when ever I want you dunce" I started to tune them out and focus on walking. We arrive at  some family owned diner and we all ordered our food. It was kind of funny because the waitress gave Ruby a kids menu. We all got our food and were enjoying our meal. I had (fav. food) and I stopped mid bite 

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Blake asked me and I just sighed and put it down. I then quickly moved my head to the left dodging a bright green beam of energy. Everyone whipped around to see me dodge it and I looked back over my shoulder to see who shot at me 

"what was that?!" Weiss yelled at me and I moved again to dodge another one. I saw the person who shot at me was a man who was wearing all black and a bandanna on his face to cover it from view 

"Get down" I said and got up and went outside. He then jumped down of the building her was on and said 

"oh hello (D/n), how are you doing this fine evening?" 

"I don't know who you think I am but your clearly mistaken" I said 'This is the guy who was there at the cliff's' I thought to my self. I could also sense he uses magic and is fairly powerful. 

"oh really (D/n)? How much of an idiot do you think I am?" 

"I don't know who you are or who this (D/n) is, I'm going to ask you to leave before this gets ugly" I said getting in a fighting position 

"Oh really? Your going to try and fight me? Don't make me laugh!" he said and he then rushed me and I kicked him in the stomach as he went by and sent him up in the air and before he landed I hit him into a building.he jumped out of the rubble and said 

"Now that's just rude. That actually stung a bit (D/n)" and my friends came out of the diner and said 

"(Y/n), who is this guy?" and they readied their weapons 

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