CH. 14

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A/N: Backstory time

Reminder, dragon form looks like Acnologia

3rd POV

Luna was sitting in front of Lisa, Rabbit, and Nova after they finished asking her lots of questions "So, Luna are you really done with your former ally's?" Lisa questioned her "Yes, in fact I've met (D/n) before" "What? How?" Rabbit asked her "Well..."

Flashback 1 year

(D/n) POV

It had been four years since Typhereous had died and I had distanced my self from other dragons or other contact. I was walking around some snow topped mountains just wandering around the world. I was walking on the ground leaving my large five clawed foot prints in the snow and cracking the ice. I still had to be careful enough to not cause an avalanche from me walking on unpacked snow. I was on a ledge that could hold me up walking till I heard what sounded like a roar. I looked over to see a small ice dragon who was about a third my size. It was trying to intimidate me but I growled and it ran away but to the point it could still see me. I then continued walking till I noticed that there were some storm clouds overhead and I went to go find a cave that I could fit in, with that ice dragon still following me. I found a cave that I could stay in till the storm passed and I laid down inside trying to ignore it. I laid my head down on the ground and tried to fall asleep and rest, I was about to do so until I felt something start to push and bite my foot. I looked to see the same ice dragon pushing and biting me, I lightly bit it's head making it stop. It started to squirm and it went back to trying to bite me. I pushed it away with my tail and each time it tried again. I pushed it away. It kept going and on the fifteenth time I got up and pinned it under one of my hands and let out a loud roar to make it stop. I let it go and it stayed on the ground. I laid back down and it started to move around and I felt it lay next to me. I didn't mind it laying there as long it wasn't bothering me. I woke up next morning and the ice dragon was gone, I couldn't sense any magic energy nearby so I assumed it had left during the night and I continued on my way to who know's where.

Back to present

3rd POV

"Luna that was a great story but (Y/n) is about to fight in the one on one match" Nova said and the four left towards the arena.

(Y/n) POV

"What is taking them so long?" I thought out loud as i waited for my team to arrive. I then saw them rush into the area where you get ready and they were saying things like "Show em' who's the best (Y/n)" and "You got this" "thanks guys, I'll bring home the win for us" I said and started to walk towards the other finalists. The only people I recognized were Yang and Angelo. I went up to yang and she said "You know, just because me and my team have feelings for you, if were matched up as opponents, I'm not going easy on you" and I lightly punched her "I wouldn't have it any other way" and we saw that the first match was being selected. It was me versus Angelo. We made eye contact and went to our sides and got ready. I could hear my team, RWBY and JNPR cheering me on. The beginning timer started and I heard him say "You know, I still haven't forgiven you for spying on us" and I shrugged "Sorry not sorry" and we boht got in a fighting position. The bell than rang and we charged at each other. 'This is gonna be good' I thought as we came at each other.

A/N: hello my beautiful readers how was your day today? Good? Bad? Some where in the middle? Any ways, I might be opening a new RWBY RP book letter this week but I was wondering if you guys think I should or not.

Vegas out

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