On The Contrary

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Clarissa's P.O.V

I cringed as Caroline threw the huge sparkly dress on to my bed "why do I have to go" I asked sitting down at my dresser "because I'll need the support, Rebekah invited Matt and...basically I want you to be there with me" Caroline exclaimed walking out of my room "fine" I huffed.
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my light green fluffy towel around my body, I did my usual routine before changing into some booty shorts and a tank.  Grabbing my hair dryer I dried my hair, once my hair was dry I began to recurl my already naturally curly hair.

"Clary are you ready yet" Caroline yelled from the bathroom, I signed staring at in the mirror "give me five more minutes" I called back as i applied another layer of lipstick and sprayed some perfume, I ran my hand through my  as I stared down at the bracelet Klaus gave me "screw it" I gentle clasped the delicate jewelry around my wrist. I stared down at my once more "okay I'm ready" I yelled walking out of my room "oh Clarissa you look beautiful" mom gasped looking at me "thanks mom" I smiled and kissed her "where's Caroline" she smiled brightly "she's down stairs waiting for you" I nodded my head in response and carefully made my way down stairs, trying my best not to trip and die...again.....okay not funny.

The mansion was beautiful, a man in a tux opened the doors for Caroline  and I  "thank you" I said politely. Before either off us could take another step Klaus appeared "Caroline Clarissa, I'm so glad you both decided to come" he greeted smirking, Caroline looked at me then at Klaus "I need a drink" she stated before walking away.

I noticed Damon over Klaus' shoulder "good luck" I said as I brushed past Klaus towards Damon "well don't you look beautiful as always" Damon complimented, I smiled cheekily as I bowed slightly "thank you kind sir and may I say you look dashing"  Damon smirked and handed me a class off bourbon "so did your sister drag you here" I nodded smiling "of cause she did" Mrs Lockwood made her way towards Damon and I "hello Damon, Clarissa I'm so sorry about your father" I swallowed hard and looked down "thank you Mrs Lockwood"

Suddenly I felt as though I was being watched but I forced myself to listen to what Damon and Mrs Lockwood were talking about "well Damon when the baddest oldest family of vampires move into your town you welcome them with open arms" Mrs Lockwood explained smiling brightly "ah Mrs Lockwood" I looked up see a man, who may I say was beautiful.  He had dark hair and a strong jawline "I just wanted to formally introduce myself, I'm Kol Mikaelson and I hope your little town embraces us a we intend to embrace it" the stranger placed a small kiss on Mrs Lockwood's hand before turning his burning gaze on to me, he stared at me intensely with a small smile on his face, he stepped dangerously close to me "Who might you be Darling" I forced a smile and held my hand out to him "I'm Clarissa, but most people call me Clary" he gently grabbed my hand as if he was scared I'd break "it's a pleasure to finally meet you Clarissa" he placed a small kiss on my knuckles. Damon cleared his throat as he gently pulled me back from Kol "Damon Salvatore you look familiar, have we meet before" Damon introduced himself "I've met a lot of people and you don't particularly stand out" Kol stated smirking before he walked away.

"Everytime my mother throws a ball like this it's been a family tradition to do the waltz." Elijah explained as he and his family stood on the marble stair case, I could feel Kol's eyes on me, watching my every move "so would you please grab and partner and join us on the dance floor" Elijah smiled raising his glass.

I chuckled at Caroline as Klaus led her to the Dance floor "may I have this dance Darling" I froze slightly before turning to face Kol, who had a smirk on his face and his hand held out towards me "of cause" I replied after a moment.  I place my small hand in his as he led me on to the dance floor "your quite the dancer" Kol commented as he twirled me around "well I've been taking dance lessons since before I could walk" I stated confidently, Kol chuckled and pulled me into him, so my chest was pressed up hard against his "I know you have" I stared up at him in confusion "how" I choked out.  Kol spun me around again, everyone around us swapped dance partners but it seem Kol wasn't letting me go yet. Kol just shrugged  and we continued to dance.

Once the song had finished I was pulled away from Kol by Damon "are you okay" I asked him "Elena went to see Ester, Stefan broke my neck so I wouldn't stop her" he stated harshly "why would she don that, doesn't she realize that Stefan does not care about her safety anymore" I questioned, Damon's jaw clenched "of cause she doesn't" I signed pulling Damon in to a hug "she'll come around" I whispered.

"I suggest you take your hands off her, mate"

I pulled away from Damon to see Kol casually standing there, Damon glared at Kol "she is nothing to do with you" Damon growled out, Kols face held a sinister smirk

                                                 "oh on the contrary she's mine"

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