Rescue Plan

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Clarissa P.O.V

After being shot, Alaric had awoken and refused to complete the transition. I tried to stay behind and help but Klaus insisted I go back with him to have the wooden shards removed from my fresh bullet wound. I then unintentionally fell asleep.

I woke up in the Mikaelson Mansion with a searing pain in my throat, I jolted up as a cough erupted from my chest "morning love" Klaus greeted, tossing a blood bag in my direction. I caught it easily and tore the top off, gulping it down greedily. Once I was done I noticed the deep frown Klaus was giving me "why do you look grumpier than usual?" Klaus signed deeply "your lovely witch friend fed herself to Alaric, turning him into the ultimate vampire killer"

My heart fell into the pit of my stomach as rushed up and grabbed my coat "what? Is Bonnie okay? how do we stop him? where's Caroline?" I rambled gathering my things, just as I reached the front door, Klaus appeared in front of me "Alaric has Caroline and Elena, Now we have a plan but I need you to stay here until I get back" I watched as his pupils dilated, clearly trying to compel me. I scowled up at him and crossed my arms over my chest, Klaus signed in defeat but before he can say anything I jabbed my finger into his chest "he has my sister and my best friend, I'm helping with this plan"

Klaus growled and slapped my finger away from his chest "my plan is to get you, my hybrids and my doppelganger out of Mystic Falls" I laughed bitterly as I tried to move around him "I don't fucking think so Klaus, Now I suggest you come up with a new plan because this is my sister. If anything happens to her, I'll kill you" I snapped jabbing my finger harder into his chest, suddenly both our phones beeped. I pulled my phone out of my pocket "Damon has a plan"


Klaus begrudgingly allowed me to tag along on the rescue mission, I refused to sit this one out. Klaus pulled into the school car park, Damon and Stefan were sat on a lunch bench with Bonnie and Jeremy "about time, what took you so long" Damon commented as I climbed out the car, I glared over at him "shut up Damon, or I'll snap your neck" I growled out. Stefan cleared his throat "we get Elena and Caroline out, and then we deal with Alaric. Bonnie has a spell" Bonnie grimaced a little as she crossed her arms over her chest "You need to make direct contact with his heart, that way I can use the same spell Abby used to desicate Mikael"

Bonnie pulled out four little virals of blood and handed them out "it's my blood. you need to drink this so I can channel the blood connection" she handed me the small viral and I cringed internally, drinking one of my best friends blood is not my idea of a good time. I quickly removed the cap and shot the liquid to the back of my throat "now remember, you need to keep the contact"

My stomach dropped a little and I frowned, we were physically going to hurt Ric "It has to be done Sweetheart" Klaus whispered in my ear as we approached the back entrance to the school, with Damon and Stefan following closely. Klaus turned to face them and smirked "just so we are clear, I'm the one who created your bloodline. Therefore if you try and pull anything I will take Elena and Clarissa, you will never see them again. Are we clear?" I shuddered at his words but glared hard in his direction. Damon and Stefan frowned "crystal"

Klaus decided he would be the first to enter, however, I had other plans. I shot off in front of him "Clarissa" He sneered yanking me back as we reached the lockers "do you never listen and follow the plan" Klaus snapped scolding me, I rolled my eyes and listened carefully, we could hear a bit of commotion coming from one of the classrooms down that hall. Before we knew it Caroline was out in the halls looking for a way out. Klaus jumped into action and grabbed her before Alaric could follow her.

Caroline was in my arms instantly "Clary" she cried as she clung to me "I'm here it's okay" I soothed, Klaus turned to face us with an almost gentle expression "Thank you" Caroline whispered up to him"get out of here both of you" I nodded quickly pushing Caroline towards the exit as she pushed through the door I grabbed her hand "go find Bonnie, I'll be right behind you" I gushed pushing her through the door and running back for Klaus.

I just couldn't leave them in there with Alaric.

As I rounded the corned I sucked in a deep breath, Alaric was pinning Klaus to the ground with the white oak stake above his chest. Elena stood on the sidelines, I could see the sheer panic on her face. Without thinking I charged at Alaric, knocking him to the ground "Clarissa" Klaus bellowed as he shot up to his feet.

Alaric landed next to me, he wrapped his arms around my torso and dragged me up to my feet "Ah Clarissa Forbes" Alaric cooed tightening his grip around me. Klaus took threatening steps towards us "let her go" Klaus snarled, I used all my strength to break his grip. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elena pick up a large shard of glass "I said let her go" Klaus charged at us and tackled Alaric to the floor.

Alaric flipped us over, I landed with my back on Klaus's chest and Alaric on top of me, I was trapped between them. Alaric held the stake over my chest "I'll kill you both" Alaric sneered pushing the stake deeper. I screamed out as the stake began to sink deeper into my flesh. Klaus gripped the end of the stake pulling it out "don't hurt her" he screamed, his mouth brushing my ear. Alaric was going to force the stake through my chest in to Klaus's heart. Two vampires for the price of one.


Alaric looked over his shoulder to see Elena holding the glass shard to her neck "there's a reason Ester needed my blood to create you" Elena spat, Alaric loosened his grip on the stake and I signed in relief "put it down Elena" Elenas gaze flickered over to me, still trapped between the two "she didn't want you to live forever, she wanted you to rid the world of vampires and then die" she continued "I SAID PUT IT DOWN" Alaric roared. Elena held the glass closer, slicing the skin slightly "she tethered your life to a human one, mine. Let them go or I'll kill myself" Elena threatened, tears running down her cheeks.

Alaric laughed before turning back to us and forcing the stake back down on my chest "your bluffing" he spat digging the stake deeper "please stop" I cried as Klaus and I tried to force the stake away. Suddenly Elena's blood filled my senses, Alaric was up in seconds "stop, stop Elena" he please as Elena dug the blade against her skin harder. While Alaric was distracted, I nudged my elbow into Klaus's side weakly telling him to do something. And before Alaric could reach Elena, Klaus had sped us both out of there.

Third-person P.O.V

Clarissa had passed out by the time Klaus had gotten both her and Elena back to his home, she was weak from the last few days of events. Klaus acted fast, hooking Elena up to an intravenous to bleed her dry. Clarissa lay curled up on the one seated couch where Klaus had put her. Klaus looked down at both the girls in front of him, deep down he felt guilty for bleeding the doppelganger dry but if she lives then so does Alaric and the means a constant threat to his family. His gaze flickered over to the blonde, he could see why his younger brother was so infatuated with her. Not only was Clarissa Forbes beautiful, but she was also fire.

Klaus growled as he phone began to ring for the 17th time "what" he snapped answering the persistent caller "where is she Klaus" His younger brother's voice filled his ears "Kol" Klaus growled out "she is here, with me. I've handled it" Kol signed through the phone "Ok keep me updated Klaus and if anything happens to her, I'll kill you myself"

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