Little One

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Clarissa's P.O.V

"Why are you here, shouldn't you be running for your life" I stated I crossed my arms protectively over my chest "now, now little one. Don't let the tongue of yours get you in to trouble" Kol scolded as he eyes narrowed. Silence fell up us and I took the opportunity to  push past Kol and unlock my door before I could pull the handle Kol spoke up "where do you think you're going" he asked smirking "home kol, I'm going home" I stated bluntly pulling hard on the handle, opening the door "don't you think we should discuss the little trick you pulled on me earlier" Kol sung out sadistically.

I spun around to look at him and scowled "oh I'm sorry I was just helping my friends rid the plague that has riddled this town" My words were harsh, they could have stung my lips as left. Kol glared as he took threatening steps towards me  backing me against my car "Oh little one if you ever pull a trick like that again and put your self in danger, I will personally kidnap you, take you to the middle of nowhere and keep you. Alll for myself" and with that he was gone.


When I got home I found Mom pacing around the living room "Mom what are you doing" she turned to look at me as I dropped my keys in to the bowl near the front door "I need you to talk some sense into Matt and Elena" she stated firmly, I stared at her wide eyed as she gave me the look I always got when I was a child and in trouble "why, whats happened?" I asked in such an innocent voice, she snorted and sat down opposite me.

"They broke in to Meredith's apartment and found some police documents that could possibly prove Alarics innocence" My face lit up as I shuffled forward in my seat "thats great, does that mean-" before I could finish she held up her hand and shushed me "thats not great Clarissa, they broke into her apartment so anything they found is irrelevant" I slumped back down and hung my head low "so can you please talk to them and tell them to leave it to the police to help Alaric" she pleaded as she stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder, rubbing it slightly "fine iI'll talk to them tomorrow" I huffed in defeat as I stalked upstairs.

I showered, washing away all the stress today has brought me. After changing into some shorts and oversized sweater I crawled into bed and inhaled deeply as the smell of fresh cotton invaded my senses, my phone pinged from my night stand  'Ric's home now, night Clary' I read as a small smile made its way on to my lips "Night Elena" I said out loud before turning over and switching the lamp off, soon sleep took over.



"Clarissa wake up"

"Clarissa Lillian Forbes"

I jolted up right from my slumber to see mom staring at me with a pointed expression "your gonna be late" I groaned slightly flopping back down on to my bed "I'll be up in 10" I tried to negotiate pulling my sheets over my head. I herd her huff as she closed my door behind her. Signing loudly so mom could hear, I kicked the duvet off my body and rolled off on to my feet.

I changed into my outfit for the day and brushed through my blonde ringlets, I was meeting Damon at the old Wickery Bridge. Which apparently was urgent, so of course I grabbed my keys and headed for the old bridge which always freaked me out.

"Heres my little sunshine"

Damon grinned as I made my way over to him, he held his arms out expecting a hug "good morning, my little spawn of satan" I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed slightly "you just missed Alaric, his gone with little mrs doc" I chuckled stepping back to eye the woman who was standing next to Damon "This is Sage" Damon introduced as he gestured the the tall red head "Sage this is-" before he could finish Sage had grasped my hand in hers "Clarissa right" I frowned pulling my hand away from hers "actually its Clary" Damon raised a brow as he looked over a Sage, a questioning look on his face.

Sage nodded slowly "Clary, thats a pretty name" I smiled tightly, shifting my weight on to my left. I felt a presence behind me which caused Sage to stiffen "well well, look what the cat dragged in" Rebekahs voice filled the silence, a small smile made its way on to my face as I turned slightly to give Sage full view of Rebekah "Rebekah, what a happy surprise" Sage said tightly, Rebekah tilted her head "what are you doing here Sage"

Something flashed behind Sages eyes "well I heard Finn was finally free from the casket your raging brother put him in-" Rebekah cut Sage off sharply with a snort "ah Finn, you just missed him. He left town and didn't tell a soul where he was going. Go home Sage, he's not interested" and with that Rebekah turned on her heels.

"Well she clearly doesn't like you" I stated rudely as I turned back to face Damon and Sage "She hates me, don't tell me your friends with her" Sage scoffed, her eyes flickering between Damon and I. Damon smirked "well if you include crazy hot hate sex" he breathed out in triumph, I cringed internally "well I don't mind her" Sage turned to look at me "course you don't, and I'm sure she's extremely fond of you" she sated matter of factly, I frowned stepping forward slightly "and why would that be" Damon stood there quietly, the corner of her mouth twitched up "because of Kol" those three words made me shiver, when I didn't reply she continued "you know after all these years of knowing Kol, I know he always gets what he wants. and he's always wanted you" I let the words sink in as I stared blankly ahead.

"What are you talking about Sage" Damon asked bitterly, Sage let out a small smile "it's none of your business Damon, only time will tell" I felt myself swaying lightly, I couldn't quite grasp why her words affected me but I knew I needed to get out of here. Damon slipped his arm around my waist pulling me into his side "I'll catch you later" I mumbled as I pulled away from him "Sage" I mumbled under my breath before turning my back to them. Just as I opened my car door, I heard Sages voice ring through my head.

"Stop running little one, He'll get you"


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