Go Home

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Clarissa's P.O.V

Thankfully when I woke up Kol was nowhere to be seen, I did my usual morning routine and changed into some black skinny jeans and black long sleeved body suit. I paired it with my khaki biker jacket and some boots, signing loudly I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. Damon had called through the night and left many, many messages asking me to meet him at the boarding house at 9am. As usual I was late.

"You're late" Damon stated as I strolled through the front doors of the boarding house, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest "what do you need Mr. Grumpy" I smirked as his face scrunched up in disgust as his nickname. Before he could answer my question Elena appeared at the top of the stairs with a bag over her shoulder, she looked up at me with sad eyes as she dropped the bag to my feet.

"We're going to Denver, when Finn died last night every single vampire he had ever turned and the vampires they turned died. An entire bloodline of vampires wiped out" my eyes widened at her words and I let my arms fall to my sides "are you saying that if we kill Klaus and his siblings, then every vampire every turned including us-" I gestured my hand between Damon and I "-will die along with them"

Damon reached down and grabbed the bag from my feet and smirked "yep, you catch on fast" I wanted to kick him in the shin but instead I stuck my tongue out at him "so now whats the plan" Damon hooked his arm through mine and dragged me towards the car with Elena following closely behind "As she said we're going to Denver"


I sat with a scowl on my face in the passenger seat of Damons car "I don't see why I'm here" I snapped as Damon smirked over at me, Elena popped her head through the gap between our seats "because you can keep Damon in check" She stated softly, I narrowed my eyes at her before turning my gaze to Damon  "this is ridiculous" I mumbled as I turned the radio up.

We pulled into, what looked like a baseball cage "does Jeremy even play baseball" I questioned as I undid my seatbelt "when I last spoke to him, he said he and his friend were learning" Elena chirped as she slammed her door. I rolled my eyes following behind them, Damon smirked as he slung his arm over my shoulder "come on Clary, whats the worse that can happen" I nudged his side with my elbow making him drop his arm back down to his side "don't annoy me Damon" I snapped walking ahead of him.

Elena was talking to Jeremy who was standing inside the metal training cage, I moved to stand behind Elena and smirked at Jeremy "hey Jere, didn't know you played baseball" he looked over at me with lopsided grin "good to see you Clary" he turned his attention back to Elena and smiled sadly "I promise I'll help you after I'm done hanging out with my friend" Jeremy looked down at his watch and signed "who should be here any minute" Elena began to protest as Jeremy sat his bat down and exited the batting cage.

"Elena I'm sorry, here he is now" Jeremy stated gesturing to his friend, Elena was the first to turn around "Clary, Damon its Kol" I spun around to see the Devil him self waltzing towards us with a metal bat "hello bud" Kol said smoothly as he swung the bat hitting Damon to the floor "what the hell dude" Jeremy screeched as I sped towards Kol, only to end up locked in Kols embrace. Damon pulled himself up to his knees as Kol spoke "sorry Jeremy, we're not buddies" I furrowed my brows at him as I struggled against his grip.

Kol went to hit Damon again with the bat when Damon launched himself uo against Kol, knocking me to the floor. Damon was quick to plunge the wooden bat in to Kols chest. Damon helped me up to my feet and checked me over to ensure I was unharmed "come on that won't hold him for long" I mumbled as I grabbed Elena's hand rushing her in the direction of the car, with Damon and Jeremy following closely behind.


Jeremy had finally managed to contact Rose, who was now searching the other side to locate the person who turned her, someone called Mary. We decided it would be better if we just stayed the night at the motel, Jeremy and I shared a room. Damon insisted.

Jeremy was sound asleep, snoring slightly. I rolled my eyes at his sleeping form and slipped out of bed, it was raining outside but I could hear Damon and Elena's conversation in the distant. I shook my head and hummed slightly ignoring their voices as I stepped out in to the cold air. I stood in silence as the smell of wet grass filled my senses, I loved the smell of rain and lemongrass. I almost jumped out my skin as my phone buzzed in my pocket, furrowing my brows I pulled my phone out my pocket to see a message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number:  Go home little one

I scowled down at the screen, anger flooding through me. I locked the screen shoving the phone back in to my pocket "Hey are you okay?" I spun around to see Jeremy, I nodded stiffly "yeah I'm fine, are you okay" Jeremy smiled slightly and help his hand out "I'm okay, come on Rose found Mary." My eyes widen as I grabbed his hand "we need to get Damon and Elena"

Jeremy was the first to spot Damon and Elena, Jeremy stopped dead in his tracks causing me to slam in to him "hey" I groaned looking up at him, his eyes were strained on Damon and Elena. I finally looked over at them to see them making out, my face scrunched up in disgust "eww" I spat loudly.  Damon and Elena spun around to face us "Jeremy knows where to find Mary" I informed them with a look of disgust still laced in my expression.  Damon nodded curtly as he walked past us "lets get going" he said as he slipped back into the motel. Jeremy followed suit leaving Elena and I "Clary I-" I cut her off "I won't tell anyone" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around me and followed after Jeremy.

"This is where she's been living" I asked as I slammed the car door, the house looked like it had been abandoned decades ago "this is where Rose said she'd be" Jeremy said as he got out the car "Hey get back in the car, you and Elena are staying here" Damon stated pointing at Jeremy and Elena. I nodded in agreement "I don't think so" Elena argued, I stepped in front of her and shook my head "no you're staying here Elena" she huffed closing her arms over her chest.

"Damon this place is gross" I mumbled as I followed behind him down the old cobwebbed filled hall "your gross" Damon replied smoothly, I rolled my eyes and nudged him "oh bite me you ass" I hissed as we turned towards a stair case. The stairs creaked loudly "oh Damon it smells" I covered my nose as we reached the top of the stairs "its coming from in here" Damon slipped into the dark room with me following closely behind.

I almost screamed as Mary came into view, a wooden poll implied through her chest pinning her to the wall. There was a dripping pool of blood at her feet. "Oh no Mary"......"quite contrary" my blood ran cold as we turned around to see Kol lounging in the wooden chair that sat by the bed. He stood up and it was only then I saw the bat he was holding "shame about Mary, she was quite the bast. Not quite sure what happened. She was a bit of an original groupie" he stated smiling, I shook my head "so were you her favourite" his eyes flicked over to me and he smiled wildly "don't be jealous Darling, It'll aways be you. But I guess you mean, did I turn her?" Kol took a threatening step towards me "I believe I did.....but wait there was the Klaus and Elijah affair. And lets not forget the Rebekah period" he was now standing directly in front of me, Damon pulled me behind him "thats right. I spoke to my brother. I know your trying to find out who sired you and now you'll never know"

Kol tapped his bat against the floor and smirked "So Damon where did we leave off" before I could even blink Kol spun the bat round hitting Damon to the floor. I launched in to action, pinning Kol to the floor "I told you to go home little one" he mumbled flipping us over. Damon was still trying to get back on to his feet.

I looked back up at Kol, he had me pinned to the floor with no way out "don't touch her" Damon spat as he pushed himself back up to his feet. Without thinking I did the only thing I could think out and that was to bite him, I sunk my teeth into Kols neck.

The taste of his blood filled my senses and then darkness consumed me.

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