Let The Hunt Begin

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Clarissa's P.O.V

After my short break down I met back up with Elena, Alaric had tried to kill Meredith and he now has some crazy alter ego. So now I am staying at Elena's as Alaric is on house arrest at his house, Damon had sent out a text gathering everyone together in the middle of the woods.

"So why did you want us to walk with you" Caroline asked Elena as we slowly made our way through the woods "Alaric has an alter ego" Elena began, I knew where this was going but I needed to hear it out loud "Alaric's is the one who has been killing the council members, he's the one who-" before Elena could finish Caroline spun around to face her "killed my dad" she finished, her chest heaving up and down.

I quickly slipped my hand in hers "I don't expect either of you to be okay with this, but at least these herbs Bonnie gave him will keep the dark side away" I frowned at Elena's words and stepped back slightly "and that's supposed to make this okay Elena" I asked calmly, squeezing Carolines hand in mine "no Clary, its horrible but he's a victim of something supernatural. Just like Stefan and Tyler" Elena's voice cracked as she tried to continue "and us" Caroline breathed out lowly.

"So what was the secret encrypted text" Matt asked as we approached Damon and Stefan, Damon smirked as he dropped a bag on to the floor for us all to see "We're going to kill some Originals" Stefan add as he's eyes flickered between Caroline and I "wait you have a weapon that can kill Klaus" Elena asked in disbelief. Damon let out a snicker as he unzipped the bag "nope, we all have a weapon" I frowned picking up one of the stakes that settled in side the bag, I twirled it between my fingers before Damon grabbed it from my grasp "Klaus is strong, he'd know it was coming" Stefan turned to face me and pointed the blunt end of the stake at me "exactly, but he thinks the last white oak was burned, he's always been one step ahead of us but this time we have the advantage. They are all linked, so we only have to kill one of them" Damon wrapped his arms around around my shoulders as I smirked.

"Let the hunt begin"


I rolled my eyes as Damon hid his stake in the fire place with the fire wood "did you learn nothing from the moonstone in the soap dish" I ask swinging my legs off the end of his bed "No, where'd you hide yours" he asked squinting his eyes at me playfully. I tapped the side of my nose, telling him to mind his one business. Damon rolled his eyes at me before standing up "do me a favour and just be careful" he warned as stood up, I raised my brow at him expecting him to continue "Kols been creeping around you and it makes me uncomfortable" he explained as he held hid hand out to me "it makes me uncomfortable too but I've got it under control" he pulled me to my feet and smiled "good now lets go meet Alaric" I chuckled grabbing my coat before making my way down stairs, before my foot could reach the last step I was forced backwards into darkness. the last thing I heard was Rebekah's sickly sweet voice.

"Sorry Doll didn't mean to hurt you"

"Rebekah! you broke her spine" I heard Klaus' voice rumble through the floor. I managed to force my eyes open, the first thing I saw was the blazing fire place. I rolled on to my back to see Klaus standing over me, I almost let out a scream but instead I scowled at him "I'm sorry love, Rebekah was out of line" he mumbled sadly and he held is hand out to help me up. I groaned latching my hand around his as he pulled me to my feet "what is her problem" I hissed twisting my neck to loosen it up a bit. Klaus shrugged "she's got some unfinished business with Damon" I rolled my eyes before grabbing Klaus' arm and yanking him back to face me "if she hurts him Klaus-" before I could finish he cut me off "think its a little too late to be making idle threats love" I felt my heart drop as Damons screams filled my senses, I rushed off towards the greeting hall. Klaus followed closely behind.

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