Janoskian WAGs

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I sat there and watched as my younger sister Illitia worked out, her long blond curls came tumbling down as she ran on the treadmill in our personal gym, and as she hasn't notice me being there she was loudly singing along to a Lady Gaga song. Her singing voice isn't so bad though. 

I, Ariadne de Asturias, have turned into a complete creeper.

First I stalk the shit out of that Melbourne boy on Wikipedia and now I’m watching my sister doing exercise.


Okay not really, I'm just damatizing the situation for my own amusement. I actually have important things to tell my sister she just hasn’t noticed my presence yet.

So I figured that instead of throwing my orange juice bottle at her it was much safer to just sit down and wait until Illitia saw me. She's scary when she's angry. Yes, I'm afraid of my little sister's wrath. So sue me. Her iPhone started ringing that Beyonce song, Halo, which I found odd as her ringtone for everything else was that annoying Ke$ha song that everyone seems to like. Naturally, I grabbed her phone and opened the text message. I didn’t think she’d mind.

I almost had a heart attack as I read the words on the screen; “Baby, I miss you. Call me later on? I love you.” The contact was filed under "My baby ♥"

With a HEART.


Oh my god! My baby sister has a boyfriend.

I bet it’s the Ginger prince.

I leaped up and waved my arms in front of her until she stopped running and took the headphones out of her ears. "What Ariadne?" She asked me in an annoyed voice. She hates it when someone interrupts her while she works out.

"You have a boyfriend!" I squealed. Illitia turned white, all the blood flushed away from her face. She was so white I looked behind me to see if she happened to see a ghost.

No Ghost though, just me & her in the room.

"ARIADNE!" she screamed.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"What's wrong with you?" she yelled angrily, grabbing her iPhone from my hands quickly.

"What?" I asked her again.

Her blue eyes pierced mine, "You have NO right to go through my things!" Okay now, why is she making a huge deal of the situation?

I countered, "Excuse me? Illitia you go through my stuff all the time. And you never hesitate to answer my phone. I never say anything about ie though." She looked down, ran her hands through her long blond hair and sat on the floor. "Illy, it's okay, you're almost seventeen now. You can date the Prince of Gingers. I'm sure abuela will be thrilled to find out you two have a thing for each other." I said patting her on the head. But she seemed to be lost in her own little world, not paying attention to me as always.

"I'm not dating Prince Harry, Ariadne! He’s like ten years older than me, ew. It'd be like I'm marrying my dad or something." She told me, crinkling up her nose slightly. Yeah, he may be older, but he’s still sexy.

Oh okay, I said, "Well you can so date Prince William then. But you need to hurry. I heard he and Kate are really going steady now."

She looked frustrated now, "I'm not dating him, or Pierre of Monaco, Luigi of Italy, Rene of France, Albert of Germany, or any of them!"

I gasped, "Wait, you’re dating Antares of the Netherlands? Illitia please! We’re probably related to him somehow. Mum would never allow something like that to happen." He is a hot piece of Royal though, that Antares.

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