Princess Lessons

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I hope you guys like the new chapter. I'm on an updating rampage today. 

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“You've got to be fucking kidding me.” I said, walking into my Grandmother's study, where she conveniently placed about ten front page pictures of me doing various things with different princes' on the large pin board.

She walked in the room with a Chanel suit and gave me her ‘hmph’ look. She looked like an old and Spaniard version of former American First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy with the expensive outfit and pillbox hat on her head.

“What's this?” I asked, pointing at the offensive item on the wall.

“It happens to be your sister’s first Princess lesson and I want her to see how not to behave, Illitia.” She explained to me, sitting down and taking a cup of tea from some maid that had just come into the room.

Excuse me? What NOT to do? She was the one that said that I had to date a royal, so I did in my own way. I mean everyone was happy, I got to have fun, grandmother got her Princes' and Skip got to stay hidden. See? No big deal I just came up that genius plan all by my lonesome.

“You know your behavior has been extremely disappointing, now I thought you might have learned from your father’s mistakes but you obviously haven't. I mean, honestly Illitia. Why you find it-“ She scolded.

“You know what, Grandma? You’re right, I haven't learned from my father's mistakes but I'm sure as hell paying for them. You know her name’s Lissette, so you can say her name and not call her ‘my sister’, its really getting on my nerves. And I'm fucking sick of her! Like no one even wants her here! Maybe you should like teach her that in her Princess lesson, how to board a fucking plane back to Los Angeles!” I then used her famous line, “That is all.” Bowing in order to mock her, I left the room in a huff.

“Illitia!” she yelled.

I walked out to the door and ran straight into Lissette. “Watch where you’re going, fucking idiot.” I hissed at her. I half ran into my room and found a bottle of some Vodka. I finished that and took a pill that I got from my brother and fell asleep.

Fuck my title.

Fuck my family.

Fuck my life.

Fuck everything.

I don't give a fuck anymore.


“Beau, I'm not okay with this.” I laughed, as he tried to down a whole box of jelly doughnuts.

“Dawnt orrie lobe, I ot is.” He said, with a mouth full of doughnut. I laughed and handed him my cup of coffee.

He gulped half of it down and sighed. “See? I'm boss at this!” He said, pointing to the empty box.

How he eats twelve doughnuts all the time and still has some abs with some impressive pecs is a feat I shall never know. I have to work out for two hours every day in order to stay in shape. “Do you wanna try some?” He asked.

“Nope.” I replied. I guess this is the kind of thing you do with a guy you haven't been separated from for like five literally whole days. It felt like we’d known each other for ages though.

“You sure, cos I can order more if you'd like?” He offered.

“No really, I'm fine.” I smiled.

He laughed and held out his hand, bringing me to my feet he put an arm around me-I swear when he touches me I feel like I stuck my finger in an electric socket. And we walked out of the little coffee shop and he led me to his car quickly, on the account of me not wanting to get caught by the press. And we headed to his hotel.

“Babe!” he yelled as he sharply turned a corner and stopped the car in the middle of the street. People were honking and I’m pretty sure a lot of them were cursing us out.

“Oh my god, WHAT?” I yelled back, laughing.

“You’re beautiful.” He smiled and quickly kissed my lips.

If I could breath, think, talk, and or comprehend anything in that moment, I would have slapped him for stopping the car in the middle of the road just to kiss me. But then again, this is Beau Brooks I'm talking about here.

I like him.

I like how I feel about him.

I like how he treats me.

I like his friends.

I like the WAGs.

I like the freedom I feel with him.

I like how he doesn't care about my title.

I like caring for someone.

I like just being myself for a change.


“Make sure you always wave like this, Lissette, and I know it sounds quite odd but this is the proper way to wave and-“ I was trying to listen to my grandmother, I really was but I was trying to text Daniel in between her looking at me or somewhere else and I was trying to ignore calls from home since I didn't want to cry in front of the Queen of Spain.

Not even Daniel, possibly the funniest person in this damn Country, could make me feel better about this place. It wasn't so bad until Illitia decided that I was the root to everyone's problems. Which I find quite ridiculous since I literally meet her one time when I was little and when I got here.

But you know, whatever. She has issues and they’re not my fault.

Anyway I was trying to text Daniel about his evil sort of girlfriend thing who cheats on him all the time while my grandmother actually sat next to me and placed a hand on my lap.

“Niña, did you hear your sister this afternoon?” She asked. Of course I did, the whole mansion did....every day she says the same thing about me. She wants me to go back to Los Angeles and never come back. ‘Niña’ means ‘girl’ in Spanish, by the way.

“Yeah, but it was nothing, Grandma. My sister is probably upset about something else.” I said. She sighed and mumbled things in Spanish. In front of grandma, I called Illitia ‘my sister’. But it just felt so weird. Ariadne was the nice one, I actually liked her and felt normal calling her my sister.

“Your father and I have a surprise for you!” She said, in one of those 'Oh my god you're going to love it' look she gets when she presents me with one of her super expensive Chanel suits I'm way to afraid to touch.

“Really?” I asked. She smiled and opened the double doors that lead to the hall. Standing there was my boyfriend and my best friend. My boyfriend walked up to me and wrapped me in his arms. I went completely stiff like a block of ice and was unresponsive to his touch.

“Baby, I missed you so much.” He whispered in my ear.

I froze.

I don't want to be here.

I don't know how I feel about Daniel.

I don't know how I feel about Kevin.

I don't know how I feel about anything.

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