White Horse

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(A/N: Thank you all for reading this story and my other stories, it means a lot. Here is the latest chapter of this story. Please enjoy.)

**Illitia (Alley Behind the Hilton Hotel)**

It probably wasn't a good idea to stand in a dark alley by myself at twelve at night without telling anyone, which explains why I'm being verbally abused my dear older sister. "Illitia! Where are you?" she shrieked from the other end of the phone. I felt a shiver run through me as I felt a cold gust of air blow through me.

When she does that she sounds like just like our Grandma, I defiantly should not tell her that though. It would make her shriek like a mad woman again and she’d bust my ear drums. "Does anyone know I'm gone?" I asked, worried about what could happen to this pretty little royal if I were to be discovered sneaking out. Please Lord, if you’re existent please don't let anyone but Ariadne know I’m out here.

"No," she answered with a frustrated sigh. Oh, thank you lord!

"Good, look I'm fine! Okay? I'm totally safe so I'll be back soon kay? I'll call you when I'm in the car." I said, trying to sound like I wasn’t freaking out with my teeth chattering like crazy.

She asked me, "Are you with a bodyguard?"

"No…?" I said slowly at first, not sure if that was what she wanted to hear or not.

"What? How in the universe did you escape them?" she asked, the sound of her voice was of utter amazement.

"It takes skill, like mad ninja skills!" I said, smiling.

"Be careful, and be back soon, dad's coming in at three. You know how he is." She warned. Dad was probably out at one of his posh royal people get-togethers. They always ended at odd hours of the night. Its like those royals never sleep.

"Alright, I'll call you!" Sometimes Ariadne can be amazing! You know, when she's not talking about me marrying the prince of Gingers and all. I mean, where did she even get that strange notion? Harry and I are just party pals, nothing more. He’s always blabbering on about her anyways, crushing on her like a little school girl. My sister just doesn’t want to give him a chance because apparently he’s a womanizer.

I sighed and put my iPhone back in my Chanel bag and went back to praying that I wasn't going to get kidnaped or robbed, it’s funny how I'm only religious when I think there’s a very realistic chance I might die. I looked around the alley and came to the realization that I wanted to go back home. Not Spain, but Melbourne, where I go to boarding school at. If I were home right now I could be waiting in my room and not a dark creepy alley littered with rubbish.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around me I tried to escape and scream like my life was escaping me but the person turned me around and a second later, a pair of lips crushed against mine. My first instincts told me to run, so I raised my arms to my aggressor’s chest and I pushed him away with all my strength, but he wouldn’t budge. I was blinded with fear in the moment but finally relaxed when it dawned on me that I knew him.

I know those lips!

I sighed and deepened the kiss as he wrapped his arms tightly around me again. He planted gentle kisses from the bottom of my neck to my ear-making the fireworks and lightheadedness flow into my body. I felt him chuckle when his lips reached my right ear.

"You screamed like crazy. Are you trying to get us caught, ameerah?" His husky voice asked me. He always called me that. It meant ‘princess’ in Arab.

I backed away and punched his chest lightly. "You shouldn't scare me like that, douche!" I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

Looking at his overly handsome face, which was currently graced with a lopsided grin, I realized just how much I really missed him. It had been two months. Two months since I had gone back to Spain for a while. Two months since I left Melbourne for the summer. Two months since the last time he's held me. Texting doesn’t do anything-trust me, all it does is make you wish he could crawl out of your iPhone and appear right in front of you. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me once more. I felt comfortable in his arms, I felt safe.

"I missed you." he mumbled from the top of my head.

"I missed you too." I said. He pulled gently away and moved my bangs away from my eyes. He looked at his phone and sighed. He planted a gentle kiss on my bottom lip that made me want to fall over and die right there.

He looked at me regretfully, "I don't have much time, ameerah. I should be getting back to my hotel room now."

I frowned childishly while pouting my bottom lip out at him and put my hands on his hips. "Do you have to go?" I whispered.

He looked at me sadly, “Ana as’fi, habibti. I don’t want to worry Gina and the other boys. Plus, she has my parents’ permission to ground the shit out of me if I misbehave. She usually lets us go out if we tell her where we’re going, but when I see you, I usually have to sneak out.” He laughed slightly, making me crack a small smile.

He swung his backpack off his shoulder while I went inside my purse. I pulled out a necklace that I got from my Dutch grandmother when I was eleven years old. She gave it to me because I was next in line after my mother’s reign and she told me it meant the world to her. It was the single most precious thing I have. When I looked up he was holding his jersey from his soccer team in Melbourne.

I smiled at him, "I want you to have this, wear it always. Please."

"Are you sure? Isn't it some royal heirloom or something?" he asked me. I nodded as I put it in his right hand, closing our hands around it. “I can’t take this from you.” He shook his head no and tried to give it back to me.

"Please take it. You'll always know I'm with you, no matter where you are." I said, my eyes meeting his.

He then handed me his jersey, "I wore this the last game we had, I know you can't wear it publicly because it might be some kind of fashion disaster, but find some way to wear it to our final show? It'll mean a lot to me. I know its not something overly expensive or fancy, but its special to me."

He held me against him and sighed. "Have you spoken to them yet?" he asked. I shook my head. “Illitia! You have to tell them. I know it's-" his phone started ringing and he pulled it out and listened for ten seconds before placing it back into his pocket.

"I have to go. The boys noticed I’m not in my hotel room." he kissed me again. "I love you," he said pulling away.

"I love you more, Skip." I replied. I watched as he walked quickly away from me, disappearing into the night. In fairy tales when the Princess finds her prince charming she's supposed to ride away on a white horse and marry him. Then they live happily ever after in their beautiful castle with perfect lives ahead of them. But I feel in love with my prince charming and he wasn't a prince at all, he was just a normal teenage boy from Melbourne. And Princesses aren’t allowed to ride off on a white horse with normal boys.

For one, he doesn’t even own a horse.

I held my Daniel Sahyounie soccer jersey close to my body for warmth, with his lucky number on it, close to my shaking body and walked back to my BMW so I could venture off back to my golden colored prison.

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