9 - Goodbye 1972, Hello 1973.

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Emma's POV

Okay, then, not a dress. Not a flannel, i honestly don't understand how people can look like cute sunshines while i look like something you just picked up from the trashcan, so a nogo to a flannel.

Jeans or Legging- Jeans, leggings tells the truth and hell no, i am not going to start my new year with leggings.

I am still a kid, but.. i am kinda allowed getting a boyfriend, right? Seventh grade is the begginning of all that shiz, i wan't to try it out.

I won't look overdone.. 14 is still a young age, but it's a party?

A long sleeve creme top with uh-- dark blue jeans? Sure, i don't have anything else.

I threw my chosed clothes on and walk downstairs. "Mom!" I call. "Yes, honey?" She replies and walks out to me. "I like your outfit, not a too high level and not too low." She  comments.

(I was trying to compare to Michael's song Wanna Be Startin' Something
Too high to get over.
Too low to get under.
So, you're stuck in the middle.
And the pain is thunder.
Sorry, carry on.)

"Thanks." Was the only thing i managed to say before i left back to my room.

Vans or Converse? white vans

(You guys know where i am comparing this to.


"Em!" I could hear my name over the music, i tried to search after the voice, and there comes Michael.

"Mikey!" I call back, we both greeted eachother in a hug. I could see Michael tried to say something, but i couldn't hear it because of the loud music. "What?" I yell, he motioned me to come with him, and i did.

We came to the backyard. "What were you trying to say?" I ask. "You were a bit late. It's midnight in like an hour and a half." He replies.

"Gosh, i know, there was traffic. It's New Years Eve people visit eachother." I say. He shrugged it off. "New Year, huh. Goodbye 1972, Hello 1973." He laughs.

"Goodbye 1972, Hello 1973." We say at the same time, we then look at eachother and laugh our heads off.


Where is he? "58! 57! 56!" Gosh, there is under a minute until New Year! I need to start my New Year with him. " 55! 54! 53! 52! 51!" Not him.. Not him.. Not him.. Where can he be? "50! 49! 48! 47!" "CAN 1973 COME ALREADY." I hear the crowd scream. "46! 45! 43!" I begin to walk upstairs. Bathroom? No. Any other room upstairs? NO! "42! 41! 40! 39! 38!" I run downstairs. "Hello, honey!" My mom appears infront of me. "Michael is trying to find you!" She says, i look behind her, still searching for him. "37! 36! 35! 34! 33! 32! 31!"

"Oh, i see, you are trying to find him aswell. Go out and look!" She ordered. I try one last time looking through the crowd. "30! 29! 28! 27! 26!" Michael! I make eyecontact with him, but he dissapears again. "NO!" I scream. I run through the crowd trying to find him, yet again. "25! 24! 23! 22! 21!"  I just found him and he is gone! Urgh, let me just wait outside until this party is over, my New Year is ruined because i couldn't start my new year with my best friend.

"20! 19! 18! 17! 16! 15! 14! 13!" I began walking outside to the backyard, once again. I stood and looked up at the stars. A few people were outside and talked. "12! 11!"

"10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.." I mumble to myself and before i could say the last numbers i was turned around and kissed. My first kiss and my first New Year's kiss. I kissed the guy back.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I hear everyone scream. The kiss wanted to stop, so we both pulled back. I looked at his face and-- Michael!?

Michael's POV

I got pulled away from the crowd when i maked eyecontact with Emma. Are you serious! "25! 24! 23! 22! 21!" I went around the huge crowd, yet again, trying to find her. " 20! 19! 18! 17! 16! 15! 14! 13!" Urgh, i can't celebrate New Year with my best friend. I might aswell find someone to kiss. "12! 11!"

I went outside and saw a girl all alone, i could hear her mumble the last numbers. I walked up to her and when she mumbled the number '5', i turned her around and kissed her.

She kissed back.

I pulled back and looked at her face-- Emma!?

Okay this sucks. But the kiss plays a big part in the entire story. Plot twist, Emma and Michael kissed?

I am at the airport atm and my plane leaves in like an hour. And the last hour I ATE A CHICKEN SANDWICH AND THERE IS FREE WI-FI


Thanks for reading~

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