4 - Take My Hand

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Emma's POV

I was leaning against a tree that were pretty close to Michael's house, then i see his figure come out of his frontdoor.

"Hey, Emma!" He said, you could see the happiness in his eyes. Everytime he sees me his eyes begins to be filling up with happiness and excitement. I am happy that i can make this one person so happy and not so sad and lonely like he was before.

"Hey, Michael." I answer back, we begin to walk along to school.

"Wheres your backbag at?" He says, i then meet his eyes. "Oh, you dont know? This is the last week of this school year so there is creative week, where you get into different teams and like... like normal school but instead of boring lessons we do something fun!"

"So, no school for a whole week?" He asks. I shake my head. "HALLELUJAH!" He screams. I chuckle at his reaction. "But like the teachers dont decide the teams, we do." I add.

"Okay then, we need to be in the same team, okay?" He asks. "Yeah, of course." I answer.


"Okay so, we have all the teams." I hear a voice from the microphone. "And we have all the leaders of the team?" I look around and see that everyone is nodding.

"Alright, the leader of Team 1, please come up here and take your plan for the whole week." A guy who looks to be in 8th grade, walks up and grabs the paper that were handed out to him.


"Okay, so where do we go now?" Finn asks from our group. "Uh, Art. Come with me." Michael says, shyly. I made him the leader, so he could make a few more friends. We followed Michael.

"Welcome, Team 3. Please take a seat." Mrs. Jomaa says with calm in her voice, we do as told.

"So today we are going to learn to draw with a pencil." She begins.


"Emma and Michael you are going to sing and dance, Finn you play the drums, Eric you play the guitar, Josephine you are the lead singer, and Anne you play the bass. Everyone go to your instruments"

I, Michael and Josephine get our own microphones. There were about 5 to 6 adults. Michael refused to get help, but he did get help anyways.

"Take your time, no need to hurry, this is your last class, and you can leave anytime you want to after the bell rings, you can always stay."

"Emma, could you try to sing Take My Hand for me? Do you need the lyrics?" Mrs. Johnson says. "Uhm, i think i can do that, no lyrics." I say.

(I made this one up, its pretty bad, sorry.)

"Am i your only one now?

And what does that mean?

Do i get all your loving?

I want to feel your love like the weather.

Oh, baby come and take my hand.

I want to feel your beauty on me.

You make me feel like no one else.

I did expect the unexpected,

and then you,

came into my life." I sang.

"That is absolutely incredible! I didn't know you could sing." Mrs. Johnson says. "Me neither." I say. How could i not know that i could sing?

I have to tell Michael! He would be so proud of me.

I will try to update as much as possible atm. I think this story will have about fifty chapters or less, but i will try to get over that number of chapters. Sorry for the short chapter.

Thank you for reading! ~

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