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You: hi tris

 You: triiiiiiiiis 

You: heeeeey triiiiiiiiiis 

You: triiiiiiiistaaaaaan

You: yo tris

You: tristaaaan evaaaaans 

Tris: jesus christ 

Tris: nora, it's 3 am

You: i knoooooow 

Tris: why are you still up? 

You: because 

Tris: because what? 

You: just because 

You: sihg witg meeee

You: is it tooo laye jow to saaay sorryyyyyy

You: becaude im missing more than hust youuuur booooody 

Tris: nora, are you drunk? 

You: nah maybe a little tipsy 

You: i didn't have much

Tris: how much did you have? 

You: kike two dhots of codka

Tris: wow okay 

You: you say wow oiay a lot 

Tris: if you're like this tipsy i can only imagine what you must be like drunk xD

You: i've been tuinking

You: maybe i rsalky don't feel about max the same way he feeks ahout me 

You: what do you thijk i should do? 

Tris: break up with him 

You: you're only saying that because yiu think i'm pretty 

Tris: actually no

Tris: i mean you are pretty but that's not the reason 

Tris: i think you should break up with him because stringing someone along the entire time and doing something behind their back they would have never done to you is wrong 

Tris: i wish that that's what veronica did for me 

You: hi this is Nora's best friend 

You: we just got back from the party and i took her phone away due to her earlier request that she didn't want me to let her text anyone if she even got the least bit tipsy 

You: i'm sorry about the incovinience 

You: good night :) 

Tris: it's okay. make sure she gets some rest :)

I Love You, I Guess || Tristan EvansWhere stories live. Discover now