Private Talk

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By the time Roman, Dean and I got home, Dad allowed Roman to sleepover and Dean passed out on the couch from exhaustion. Roman went to bring Dean to the guest room, but Dad said to leave him there and he'll just grab a blanket for him. Roman and I said our goodnights to Dad before going upstairs to my room. Roman took off his clothes, only leaving his boxers on before sitting on my bed. I did the same, but sitting on Roman's lap, facing him, and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked as Roman sets his hands on my hips.

"Just about what happened at the party." Roman shrugged.

"Hey, you don't have to explain anything."

Roman nodded. "I know but I want to. I didn't want you to have to find out like that. I wanted to tell you a different time, like when we were alone and not in a room full of kids from school."

"It's okay Roman..." I gave him a smile but he shook his head.

"No it's not Seth, I had the perfect way to tell you how I feel about you but now I can't since you already know." Roman sighed. "I fucking hate Sasha."

I frowned, tightening my grip around him and pulling him closer to me, rubbing my hand on his upper back. "Hey, you could still do it if you want. I'm curious to see how you were going to confess to me."

"Really? You really want me to do it?" Roman asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I really want you to do it." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Well that's going to have to wait for tomorrow." Roman smirked and I pouted.

"Really? I need to wait. This isn't fair."

"Oh yes it is." Roman kissed my nose, going to talk again but my bedroom door opened slowly.

"Seth, Roman?" Dean whispered, peeking in the room.

"Yes Dean?" I asked as Dean came in and shuts my door behind him.

"Could I sleep with you guys?"

I looked at Roman and he looked at me, shrugging. "Up to you."

"I don't mind, do you?" I asked and Roman shook his head.

"Awesome!" Dean jumped on my bed next to us, causing me to laugh and slap his back playfully.

"You almost hit us!" I chuckled when Dean just shrugged and grabbed Roman's shoulders, pushing us down. I laid on top of Roman, snuggling into his chest.

"Let's sleep, I'm tired." Dean crawled under my covers and nuzzled his face into my pillow.

"All that horrible dancing wore you out?" Roman smirked, rubbing his hand up and down on my lower back.

"Mm nope. My dancing wasn't horrible, I don't know what you were talking about." Dean closed his eyes and a couple seconds later, he began to snore.

I looked up at Roman and he just shook his head, smiling. I smiled and kissed his cheek, rolling off of him and standing off of my bed. "I'll go get the air mattress for us, we're all not going to fit on one bed."

"Yes we are, I'll show you." Roman laid down next to Dean, patting the bed next to him. I climbed into bed as Roman wrapped the covers around us and pulled me close to him with his arms wrapped around my waist. "You good?"

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight Roman."

"Goodnight Seth." Roman kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes, falling to sleep.


Morning came fast. I woke up before Roman did but Dean wasn't in bed so I'm assuming he was awake. I climbed out of bed, carefully not to wake Roman up. I walked out of my room and walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Dad was cooking breakfast while Dean was standing next to him, talking away about something.

"Dad I need to tell you something awesome!" I walked over to them and Dad looked at me.

"Hold on, Dean was telling me something." Dad looked back to Dean and Dean finished up what he had to say, causing Dad to laugh and shake his head before looking at me. "What's up?"

"Roman told me he was in love with me at the party and today he's going to show me how he really wanted to do it." I smiled widely while jumping up and down out of excitement.

Dad smiled and chuckles. "Well congratulations Seth, but if Roman breaks your heart, I will not be afraid to kick his ass."

"Dad don't start with that." I pouted. "Besides, Roman would never do that. I think. He really cares about me."

"He does Hunter, you could see it in Roman's eyes." Dean smirked. "Never see that motherfucker as happy as he is with Seth around."

"I love him Dad, I really do. I never loved anyone as much as I love him." I smiled but jumped when I felt arms wrapping around me from behind, seeing it was Roman. "Don't do that, you scared me!" I playfully slapped Roman's arms and he chuckled, kissing at my bare shoulder.

"And I really love you too Seth." Roman pulled me closer and I blushed, laying my head on his shoulder, probably smiling like a big dork. "I'm going to go back to my place and do a couple things. I'll call you when I'm leaving, I should be about an hour or two, the most."

I turned around in his arms and hugged him. "Okay, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Roman gave my body a light squeeze before kissing the top of my head.

"I'll miss you more." I ran my fingers through his hair, tucking pieces of his hair out of his face and behind his ear.

"No, don't be silly, I will miss you more." Roman rubbed his hands on my lower back as I shook my head.

I went to talk but Dean interrupted. "We get it, you both will miss each other." Dean chuckled and I looked at him, sticking my tongue out at him.

Roman chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay, bye Roman." I kissed his cheek back before he lets go of me.

"Bye Sethie." Roman walked out of the kitchen and I smiled, looking at Dad and Dean.

"Isn't he a charm?" I asked as they laughed. "What? I'm just saying." I shrugged and went over to the kitchen table, sitting down.

"It's cute seeing you all in love." Dad pulled the eggs off of the stove and onto a plate, looking over at me.

"I agree but it's also weird seeing how in love you guys are with each other. Especially Roman, he was never a softie. Even for his ex's." Dean came over to me and sat next to me.

I blushed, smiling. I don't know what this man did to me, but he is making me fall more and more in love with him the more I get to know him. To get me out of my thoughts, Dad placed two plates in front of Dean and I. I thanked Dad before starting to eat my breakfast.


Awe my heart is melting with these two. So freaking cute!

What do you guys think will happen next? What are Roman and Seth going to do when Roman comes back?

Please leave a comment, I would love to know what you guys are thinking!

Other accounts: personal-writer and w_restling


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