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"Seth get down here!" Dad yelled for the millionth time, causing me to swing open the bathroom door and walk downstairs with just a towel wrapped around my waist.

"What?! I can't take my goddamn shower without you screaming for me to get down here?!" I yelled, walking into the kitchen and seeing Paige sitting at the kitchen table. "...oh, hey Paige. What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come apologize to your dad about everything that has happened in school. Roman and Dean told me he looked pissed when you were leaving and they felt bad. Your dad wouldn't let them in, only me." Paige sighed as Dad stood up from his seat at the kitchen table.

"I expected you to be dressed Seth...go upstairs and get dressed. I'll let Roman and Dean in." Dad walked past me to the front door.

"I'm so confuse, why am I needed?" I asked as Paige gasped. "What?"

Paige got off or her chair and walked over to me, grabbing my hand and holding my arm up, showing my wrist. I sighed, pulling my arm out of her grip and held my wrist up against my stomach.

"Why did you do that Seth?" Paige frowned and I shook my head.

"I'll explain later...let me go get dressed." I walked away from her, walking to the stairs just as Roman, Dean and Dad came walking in the front door.

"Go get dressed Seth and come back down to the kitchen." Dad walked to the kitchen as Roman began to look me up and down, causing me to blush and tighten my grip on my towel.

"Hey Seth, I never knew you had such a fit looking body under your clothes." Roman chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry if that sounded creepy."

I couldn't help but to smile. "It's okay, didn't sound creepy at all." It totally did sound creepy but it was cute coming from Roman.

I made my way up the stairs, walking to my room and shutting and locking my door. I dropped my towel, walking to my closet and grabbing a sweatshirt, skinny jeans, and boxers before changing into that. I grabbed my towel and dried my hair, pulling it back into a low bun before opening my door, walking out of my room and walking downstairs to the kitchen.

"I don't care, you still made my son get suspended over something he wasn't involved in." Dad shook his head at Roman and Dean. "You two should be ashamed of yourselves."

"Dad." I sighed and walked over to the table, sitting next to Roman. "Sure, what Roman and Dean did was wrong and they shouldn't have did what they did, it doesn't mean you shit talk them. I'm mad at Roman and Dean too, but I'm not shit talking them."

"We're really sorry Mr. Helmsley, if it makes you feel any better, Roman, Paige and I tried talking Principal Duncan out of suspending Seth." Dean leaned forward on the table.

"I mean it didn't work, but we tried. We feel horrible and we learned our lesson." Roman frowned before standing up. "We understand you hate us, so we'll do what you ask and leave you and Seth alone."

"Roman?" I asked, looking up at him.

"No Seth, you don't need these guys in your life. They're only causing you trouble and they could agree." Dad looked between Roman and Dean. "Get out of my house, now."

"Dad!" I shouted, hitting my fist on the table and standing up. "You're being ridiculous right now and you're not understanding anything. Roman and Dean beaten the hell out of Brock and his friends because of me. They were defending me. How many times do I need to tell you that?!" I felt tears starting to form in my eyes, but I blinked them away. "Stop trying to make my life miserable, it's bad enough you're taking me out of the high school and back to home schooling again. At least let me keep my friends, the only people who gives a damn about me."

I walked out of the kitchen, walking upstairs to my room and shutting my door. Tears began falling down my cheeks, causing me to wipe them away and sniffle loudly, shaking my head. I've heard a knock at my door, causing me to ignore it and walk over to my bed, laying down. The knock came again, but this time, my door opened. I looked at the door to see Paige walking in my room, shutting the door behind.

"Are you okay Seth?" Paige asked while walking over to me.

All I could do is shake my head. When I tried to talk, a sob escaped my mouth and before I knew it, I was crying. Paige pulled me into a tight hug, allowing me to cry onto her shoulder. Neither of us said a word to one another as I was calming down. When I felt I was completely calmed, I pulled away from Paige and rubbed my eyes.

"Thanks for letting me cry." I sniffled, causing Paige to reach onto my nightstand and grab me a tissue to blow my nose.

"Hey, anytime you need comforting, I'm here for you Seth." Paige smiled and nudged my arm. "That is until Roman starts comforting you."

I blushed. "Why are you always bringing Roman up like that to me?"

"It's obvious Seth, you like Roman." Paige smiles as I gulped. "Hey, don't look so nervous, I won't tell anyone. I've got no one to tell anyways." Paige chuckled. "Are you openly gay?"

"No, my dad won't let me come out." I sighed. "I'll only trust you, Roman, and Dean with that information."

"No offense, but your dad treats you like a fucking baby. He needs to stop being so overprotective of you."

"I know, but there's a reason he does what he does to me." I sighed, frowning. "After my mom died, he began to get really overprotective of me since he's afraid of losing me like we lost my mom."

Paige pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Seth." I hugged her back and sighed.

"It's okay, she's in a better place now." I pulled away from her when my door opened, seeing Roman and Dean standing there.

"We convinced your dad to let us still be friends with you." Dean smiled and looked around my room. "Nice room Seth, wasn't expecting it to be this way."

I couldn't help but to smile. "Uh, thanks Dean. I'll take that as a compliment."

Dean smirked and sat down in my gaming chair as Roman walked over to me, sitting next to me. Roman rubbed his hand on my back and I slowly leaned my head down on his shoulder.

"Are you okay Seth?" Roman asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay now." I looked at Paige, watching her smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her as she went to bother Dean.

"Good, I got a little worried when you left the kitchen." Roman pats my back, resting his hand on my lower back.

"Sorry for worrying you, I just kind of snapped." I sighed. "I'm so fed up with my dad."

"I know Seth, but things will hopefully get better from here on."

"I hope so." I picked my head off of his shoulder, laying myself down next to Roman.

For the rest of the day, Roman, Dean, Paige, and I hung out in my room, just talking and joking around.


Wow I'm shocked Hunter actually said the things he said in front of Roman and Dean. Wow.

What do you guys think will happen next? How will things be for Seth and his friends?

Leave a comment, I would love to know what you guys are thinking!

Other account: personal-writer


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