A taste of what you paid for Jacksepticeye x Reader

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A/N: Hello my name is Charlotte but my friends call me Charmander. This is my first oneshot story so I'm sorry if it is nothing but pure crap. So yeah...

Y/n- Your name

Y/f/n- Your friend's name

Y/b/n- Your boyfriend's name

Y/d/n- Your dog's name (If you don't have a dog just imagine you do)

           So y/f/n invited you to this boring party. You never really liked parties. Everyone got drunk or high and you refused to even take a sip of beer. Y/b/n would always be taking shots and drinking with his friends, leaving you alone. This time y/f/n told you she invited someone special. You weren't expecting much since she had a different taste in people. You were sitting on her couch after the long walk to her place, on your phone as usual, watching your favorite YouTuber Jacksepticeye with your earbuds in tuning out the noise. You decided to get up to look for your friend when you saw a man walk in. He looked around your age, 26, and he had green hair, with a beanie on his head.

Was this?

No it couldn't be.

Oh it was.


You tried to hold your inner fangirl and went back to looking for your friend then everything made sense. 'y/f/n invited Jacksepticeye to her party. AND HE SHOWED UP'

You thought it made sense though since you and y/f/n both lived in Ireland. You soon found y/f/n talking with your  boyfriend (no not cheating you met y/b/n through y/f/n because they were friends). You approached her. "Y/f/n, is that the special someone you invited?" You asked motioning to the YouTuber. She nodded and your boyfriend soon left to use the 'bathroom'. You soon turned around and you locked eyes with Jack. The whole room was still. He smiled and waved and you did the same. "You should talk to him." y/f/n said to you glancing at him from behind you. "No I have a boyfriend and I'm afraid I'm going to fall in love..." "Y/n, I think you already have..." You decided to go back to the living room to ask yourself if you should talk to him.

You decided you were going to do it.

You walked up to him.

"Hey I'm y/n. I'm a huge fan." You said successfully keeping your cool.

"Hello, y/n. Might I say you are quite a beauty." You blushed at his comment.

"I'm Sean though I think you already know that. Just call me Jack." You nodded and smiled.

You looked into his eyes again. They were the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. Realizing what you were doing, you looked down. 

"Hey wanna sit down?" You asked.

"I would love to."

The two of you then walked into the living room only to see y/b/n making out with a random woman. You started shaking and it didn't even take Jack 10 seconds to notice your discomfort.

"Y/n, you alright?"

"No. You see that man making out with that woman?"

He nodded.

"That's my boyfriend. Well not anymore I guess."

"Well why don't we give him a taste of what he payed for." He said looking you straight in the eyes.

He leaned in and so did you. Your lips touched and you felt his arms go around your waist and yours around his neck. 

Out of the corner of your eye you saw y/b/n get pretty angry and storm out the door without another word.

You didn't even feel upset.

The two of you soon let go.

"Thanks for that." You said and smiled.

"My pleasure to help such a lovely lady." He smiled back.

The two of you went home later when everyone else was wasted af and he dropped you off at your house. Before you got out of the car he kissed you on the cheek. He handed you a small piece of paper.

"My number. Call me sometime."

You nodded, smiled and thanked him.

He waved goodbye and so did you.

You walked into your house filled with joy.


A/N: Sorry if it's really crappy I'm really tired lol

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