99 cent store Shane Dawson x reader

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A/N: So you know how Shane does these 99 cent store hauls and this is pretty much what this is based off of so enjoy!
          So today your boyfriend Shane was making you come to the 99 cent store with him to help choose out things to use in a video. You looked around and saw a pregnancy test. You decided to get it as a joke since last week, things got...intense (SMUTTY). You thought it would be pretty funny to try, knowing it would be wrong.
"Shane. I should try this just to be funny.
"Yeah because it's going to tell you the truth."
"Oh come on Shane it may be funny!
"Whatever..." Shane said laughing a little bit.
The two of you went home after buying useless crap. Shane was using it to make a video because why not? Shane set up the camera in the kitchen and you sat down next to him.
"HEY WHATS UP YOU GUYS..." Shane started his intro.
Soon enough you two were trying sports drinks, protein bars, and broken toys. Soon enough, you only had one thing left.
The pregnancy test
You ran off to test it. You waited about 5 minutes and finally the test was ready.
'Don't worry it's from the 99 cent store of course it's not right.'
You went back to Shane and showed him the test. He looked kind if worried.
"Y/n, just in case we should go see a doctor."
You agreed and headed to the hospital.
"Miss y/n?"
You got up and so did Shane.
They ran some tests in both you and Shane. After a few hours they sat you down and said:
"Y/n, you're pregnant."
You were so surprised. You looked over to see Shane's mouth open all the way.
Shane nodded, his mouth still open. You thanked the doctor, and went home.
Shane pulled you into a tight hug. You smiled and nodded.
You were going to have Shane's baby. Let's just say you wouldn't have anyone else's baby.

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