Groupchat AmazingPhil x reader

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A/N- You guys really seem to like these so I will try and make more! I was busy dying my hair tonight so didn't get around to it but here. It's 11:02 and I'm doing this for you so you better like it lol jk jk.

Y/N- Hai


Dan-hi wtf are u doing

Phil- idk lol

Y/n- guess what?

Dan-if u say chicken butt im leaving

Chris- What did I miss?

Pj- Hi

Phil- Nothing much but Dan is being a meanie

Chris- Dan stahp

Y/n- y u hurt ma feelings like dat?

Pj- Leave y/n alone! jk jk lol

Dan- omfg stahp attacking me

Phil- Y/n come overrr I miss u

Y/n- K Philly I will be over in like 3 minutes

Phil- YAY

Dan- Oh god y/n just don't suck his face off

Y/nl- Can't make any promises

Chris- wtf

Pj- ew

Phil- ;)

Y/n- Jk jk

Dan- good

Phil- Aww I was kinda looking forward to it...

Dan- Ohmygod Phil wtf

Chris- Imma leave u guys alone 

-Chris left the chat-

Pj- Me too

-Pj left the chat-

Dan- soooo...

-Dan left the chat-

-End of group chat-

*Dan walks in* 

"omg wtf have I just experienced"

*Y/n and Phil stop making out*

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