Girlfriend tag Harrison Bradley (Twincoconuts) x reader

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You were about to film the Girlfriend tag with your youtuber boyfriend, Harrison. What would they think of you? Were they going to be good thoughts? Or bad thoughts? Who knew. There you were, sat next to him as he turned on the camera. You knew this was going on TwinCoconuts, not his personal so Jay's fans would also see. He did the intro and then

"So here she is!" He pointed to you and you smiled, a smile of fear and happiness.

"We have been dating for about a year now so I thought it was finally time to show her off!"

You laughed and began answering questions.

"Ohh here's a good one! Who said I love you first?" 

"I don't think we have!" You said, just now thinking about how neither of you have said it.

"Well Y/n, I love you." He said and brought you in for a kiss.

"I love you too Harrison."

A/n- Sorry for the bad imagines I tried I really did!

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