Groupchat Markiplier x reader

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A/N- Hey guys! So this is going to be kind of like the groupchat one I did with JSE! Enjoy!

(Requested by @-B-A-K-A-)

Jack: Hai

Mark: Hey

Y/n: Hey babe

Ken: Ew stahp

Pewds: Stahp Ken it's cute

Mark: Y/n meet me upstairs ;)

Y/n: Okay

Jack: Ooohh Mark gonna get some ACTION

Pewds: Omg lol

Ken: well then

Jack: Guys?

Pewds: Y/n?

Ken: Mark?

(I think you know what's happening)

A/N- I'm thinking about making a small smut (small meaning not going into TOO much detail). What do you think?

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