Try not to get scared Jay Bradley (Twincoconuts) x reader

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A/N- Okay so he isn't as well known as he should be so I decided to do him in an imagine. Enjoy!


Okay here I was with my best friend Jay, his brother Harrison and Harrison's girlfriend, Charlotte (yes, that's me lmao). We were going to do a try not to get scared challenge. I am scared very easily so...I will most likely screw something up.

"Hello coconuters! You're watching Twin Coconuts and today we will be doing a try not to get scared challenge!" Starts Jay.

Harrison then continues, "It's basically a compilation of scary videos and the point is to try not to get scared but I think that is pretty self explanatory."

"And we have guests! We have my amazing friend Y/n," Jay says, "And my wonderful girlfriend Charlotte!" Harrison finishes gesturing to us.

I am really good friends with Charlotte so she knows how scared I get. Right before Harrison hits play, she gives me a thumbs up and smiles.

As soon as the video starts, I cling onto Jays arm and he starts to run his hand through strands of my hair. I look over to see that Charlotte has done the same to Harrison and his hand is on her thigh ;). We continue to watch the video as everyone screams at a jumpscare. I nearly pulled Jays arm off when he decided to give me a jumpscare of his own. Charlotte yelped at his jumpscare and Harrison kissed her to make her feel better (ayy). Just as another jumpscare came, I fell back out of the chair and began to cry. Charlotte ran to me and helped me up and Jay looked worried. He pulled me into his lap and whispered to me. Eventually he kissed me and it felt great.

"Better?" He asked me and smiled.

"Yeah..." I said and kissed him again while Charlotte and Harrison just watched, knowing we had liked each other for a while.

A/N- Yeah so it sucked. Sorry I will try to make Harrison's better lol.

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