Chapter Nine

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feeling regret

Dallon was there when Kaitlyn woke up. He was there, breathing lightly as he snoozed. His face was just as puffy as any other person's would be if they had cried to themselves until they'd fallen asleep. The area of his cheeks right below his eyes had tiny pink blotches that spread across his face past his nose.

Kaitlyn laid in her bed next to Dallon, smiling as she played with the stray hairs that fell in front of his face. Penitence washed over her as she thought about the thoughts she was having about Dallon last night. How dare she even think about not caring about him? If anything, her mind was always on the subject of Dallon. Whether it be his face, his eyes, or his hair, she'd be thinking about him. It was completely logical. All Dallon ever did was think about her in the same way.

Kaitlyn was extremely soft with her movements. She'd woken up at the earliest of hours, just as usual, and decided that Dallon didn't need to join her, so she was left to lay in bed, almost too close to him, and take in his facial features and everything about him as she gently stroked his hair. Doing this made Kaitlyn so happy, and eventually some time had passed. Kaitlyn had been staring at Dallon for at least an hour until he woke up. Despite what Kaitlyn expected, he didn't smile at her when he woke up. He didn't say a word. He just rose out of bed, scratching at his scalp and looking around at everything but Kaitlyn. When he finally did look at her, he noticed the tiny smile she had and finally grew a small one of his own.

"I apologize for what happened last night," Dallon said. He paused, blew all the air out of his lungs, and looked down at his hands. "I know it's not my business what you do to yourself," he stuttered, "but I just really care about you."

Kaitlyn smiled, nodding, as if to say it was okay. Because it was. If she knew a way to say it, Kaitlyn would apologize, too. She'd apologize for all the grief she'd put Dallon through. She'd apologize for him even meeting her. Even though it wasn't her fault, she'd apologize profusely for yanking him into it all.

Dallon, thankfully, took Kaitlyn's nodding as acceptance. With another sigh, this time one of relief, he laid back down. "I really shouldn't have gotten into your business," Dallon groaned. "I kind of just wanted to make sure it wasn't my fault. That it wasn't me who caused you to hurt yourself this way."

Kaitlyn breathed a really long sigh of frustration. She'd scold Dallon just for thinking that way if she could. A thought like that was just wild. In Kaitlyn's eyes, Dallon would be the least problematic person in her life.

Later, after minutes of a killing silence, Dallon leaned up and turned to Kaitlyn. "We don't have classes today," he said. Kaitlyn hadn't even realized that it was finally Saturday. She could finally have a break. "Can I take you somewhere?" Dallon asked. "I'll pay for everything."

Kaitlyn was more than happy to oblige. She wanted to spend her day with Dallon. She wanted to spend it as if it was her very last.

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