Part 16// Meeting

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I wake up early. 6:30. Oh shit. This is how my life's going to be like.
I have a meeting today consulting the photo shoot I have tomorrow. I was too lazy to check which band it's for, but my mind is telling me it's either Pierce The Veil or, like, Mayday Parade. I know I'm doing photos with them at one point this year.
Since Dan kindly showed me to the wonders of Tesco last night and helped me pick out a few things, I now have the luxury of food.
I rush to the kitchen and pick out the one bowl I bought yesterday. I need to go to the bank, okay?
I pour in some Shreddies, which Dan claimed are very good. I'll take his word for it.
I take out almond milk and pour that in, because apparently regular milk doesn't sit with me.
I shove it into my mouth in large spoonfuls, because I need to be out the house at 7:15.
Once that's finished, and in the sink for later, I run to my room.
Since my job doesn't really require for me to put on dressy work clothes, I pull on olive green shirt accompanied by a long, black, baggy raincoat, despite the lack of rain. I shimmy into a pair of black jeans with zips on the knees, and finish myself off with black Nikes.
Cute. Ish.
I check the clock on the wall.
Blasting to the bathroom, I pull out my cosmetics. Concealer, eyeliner, and a regular trusty black eyeshadow.
I smooth on the concealer under my eyes, on blemishes, on the sides of my nose, basic.
Blending it out, I wing my eyeliner and do a pretty regular smoky eye. Nothing drastic. Just going with my regular, dark me.
A few health, hygiene, and beauty products later, I'm applying nude lipstick to bring my true self out.
Now I feel pretty.
I'm feeling too shit to straighten my hair, not to mention that I'm stressed on time, so I pin back my fringe and slip on a black beanie. Now I'm good.
I take a small low hanging black, surprise surprise, bag and slip in my notepad, planner, pencil, keys, and phone. Meeting necessities.
I really have to make a mad dash.
I push open the glass doors to the meeting room where I see my manager, who happens to be my friend Hunter, a woman who I'm assuming is the band's manager, and an extra man and woman.
They stare at me as I enter the room, standing in front of the last chair, as I always do. I lean my hands down on the short table, and talk.
"Hello." A sweet smile wins them over.
"Hello, Tyde." Hunter grins at me, putting me at ease.
"This is Angela, Pierce The Veil's manager." He points to the first woman. Okay, so it's Pierce. They've remembered me, so it's not awkward.
"That is Brent, their assistant, who'll be showing us how the photo area will look. He'll also explain props." He points to the man. Brent waves. I smile back.
"Finally, Chelsea. She'll be asking about outfits so she can dress them prior to the shoot."
"Cool! Where are we starting?" I ask, sitting down.
"Angela?" Hunter asks, leaning against the wall.
"Yes, hello. Tomorrow, 1 pm, on Triesten avenue, there's a large warehouse where we'll be waiting. This is a simple shoot, the photos will just be leaked online by the boys. It's up to you on styling." Angela babbles on about a few useless things. I got the gist, so I tuned it out.
She stops.
"Okay, thanks, sounds good." I grin with a happy tone.
"Brent?" Hunter continues the meeting smoothly for us.
"Yeah. Here I have a few photos.."
I immediately stand up and walk next to him to view the photographs.
"You can look these over. I took a bunch of shots so you can bloom ideas. Can even take them home, if you'd like."
"That'd be nice, thank you." I calmly accept. It's nice. Big, metal, a bit of graffiti, lots of ladders, even a half pipe inside. I can work with this, yeah.
I make my way back to my seat and tug my bag open, sliding in the photos.
"So, clothes, Chelsea?"
"Yeah! Anything specific you had in mind? If not, tell me your ideas and I'll compose some outfits. I have a sketch pad right here." She seems extremely excited as she points to her large electronic with many male body figure set up to draw on.
"Sure, um, I was thinking very... grunge. Muscle tank tops, baggy sweaters, baseball tees, sweatshirts, printed t-shirts, jeans... Stuff like that. Lots of blacks and grays, maybe some maroons, almost black greens.. Oh! And hats. Beanies, snapbacks." I babble on, running my mind through possible clothes.
She furiously scribbles on the device with a stylist, making elegant curves and essentially perfect outfits.
"How's this?" she asks as I walk over to her. I study the designs. She's labeled Vic with a gray baggy sweater, red rimmed snapback, and black jeans. Jaime is wearing some sort of black and white design t-shirt with dark blue jeans. Tony sports a monochrome galaxy type shirt with a black and white snapback, and black jeans. Mike wears some sort of a maroon t-shirt with a design near the shoulder, a black snapback, and black ripped jeans. I'm in love.
"These are perfect! Thank you so much." I reassure her, sitting back down and pulling out my planner. I check off today's meeting and add in tomorrow at 8.
"That's all for today! We'll see you tomorrow to confirm a few things before the shoot." Hunter dismisses us.
God bless, it's only 10.
I think I might just have a lazy day in. Snapchat a bit to my fans. Who knows?
I place my stuff in my bag, wave to Hunter, and head out.
Actually, wouldn't it be good if I bought home accessories? To brighten up my space?
Hell yes.
I arrive at some sort of all purpose store, and wander off into the home decor section, looking for pillows and succulents. Maybe some candles. I could also use curtains, right? Fairy lights to wrap around my headboard, like Dan? We'll see.
I roll around my cart, feeling like an adult. I've got 3 little succulents, a box of fairy lights, and 6 white candles that are all scented like an outdoor fire would smell. Now I'm wandering through the pillow section, wondering what I've done to deserve witnessing such cute pillows. I take 3- all green. Surprising. They're like an emerald green kind of galaxy, it'll look nice against the plain white couch. Time to pay.
(A/N this part is kinda unimportant im just explaining how the apartment looks you can skip this if you prefer to imagine the house your own way)
I brush off the pillows and back away, admiring the subtle changes I've made to this lonely apartment to make it feel more home-y. I've places a succulent and two candles on the glass table in front of the white couch. They both rest on a large black rug, which is layered on top of a dark wooden floor. A TV is placed on the wall in front, and it's on top of a big type of cabinet. I've stacked all my CDs and DVDs in there.
The green pillows bring color to the previously colorless area. I also put up a few photos on the opposite wall, kept in their lilac frames from when they were in my NYC house. It adds more color yet again.
The dining room wasn't too bad off with color. A large black table, which I've placed 3 candles on, with 6 transparent purple chairs surrounding it. I like them.
Next is the kitchen. It has a green granite breakfast bar, which I will not be using. Ever.
Anyways, I'm feeling a color scheme up in this house. Another of my succulents adorns the white counter space.
I hung up a blue dry erase to-do list board on one of the gray cabinets. Yet another way to brighten this house up.
Moving to my bedroom, I put on the bed sheets and matching pillowcases, finally. It looks so much nicer in here now. The sheets are a flannel pattern, using green, black, and dark gray. The pillows are solid black, but I have one pillow with a duckling on it. Don't ask. I also strung the fairy lights.
The rest of the candles and succulents rest on the white desk next to the cameras, and I have a few more framed pictures on the walls, except these frames are gray, and they mostly have anime, video game, and tour posters framed instead of actual photos.
I am quite satisfied with what I managed to decorate. I'll leave the rest of the house for later, I suppose.

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